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Found 207 results
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Hafeez B
Paolicchi J
Pon S
Howell JD
Grinspan ZM
. 2016.
Feasibility of Automatic Extraction of Electronic Health Data to Evaluate a Status Epilepticus Clinical Protocol.
J Child Neurol. 31(6):709-16.
Grinspan ZM
Eldar YC
Gopher D
Gottlieb A
Lammfromm R
Mangat HS
Peleg N
Pon S
Rozenberg I
Schiff ND
et al.
. 2016.
Guiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor: Findings from an International Working Group.
Appl Clin Inform. 7(2):380-98.
Grinspan ZM
Eldar YC
Gopher D
Gottlieb A
Lammfromm R
Mangat HS
Peleg N
Pon S
Rozenberg I
Schiff ND
et al.
. 2016.
Guiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor: Findings from an International Working Group.
Appl Clin Inform. 7(2):380-98.
Grinspan ZM
Eldar YC
Gopher D
Gottlieb A
Lammfromm R
Mangat HS
Peleg N
Pon S
Rozenberg I
Schiff ND
et al.
. 2016.
Guiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor: Findings from an International Working Group.
Appl Clin Inform. 7(2):380-98.
Katharios-Lanwermeyer S
Holty J-E
Person M
Sejvar J
Haberling D
Tubbs H
Meaney-Delman D
Pillai SK
Hupert N
Bower WA
et al.
. 2016.
Identifying Meningitis During an Anthrax Mass Casualty Incident: Systematic Review of Systemic Anthrax Since 1880.
Clin Infect Dis. 62(12):1537-1545.
Katharios-Lanwermeyer S
Holty J-E
Person M
Sejvar J
Haberling D
Tubbs H
Meaney-Delman D
Pillai SK
Hupert N
Bower WA
et al.
. 2016.
Identifying Meningitis During an Anthrax Mass Casualty Incident: Systematic Review of Systemic Anthrax Since 1880.
Clin Infect Dis. 62(12):1537-1545.
Kim M-H
Banerjee S
Park SMin
Pathak J
. 2016.
Improving risk prediction for depression via Elastic Net regression - Results from Korea National Health Insurance Services Data.
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016:1860-1869.
Kim M-H
Banerjee S
Park SMin
Pathak J
. 2016.
Improving risk prediction for depression via Elastic Net regression - Results from Korea National Health Insurance Services Data.
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016:1860-1869.
Pesko MF
Hughes JM
Faisal FS
. 2016.
The influence of electronic cigarette age purchasing restrictions on adolescent tobacco and marijuana use.
Prev Med. 87:207-212.
Casalino LP
Chen MA
C Staub T
Press MJ
Mendelsohn JL
Lynch JT
Miranda Y
. 2016.
Large Independent Primary Care Medical Groups.
Ann Fam Med. 14(1):16-25.
Cea ME
M Reid C
Inturrisi C
Witkin LR
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
. 2016.
Pain Assessment, Management, and Control Among Patients 65 Years or Older Receiving Hospice Care in the U.S.
J Pain Symptom Manage. 52(5):663-672.
Bao Y
Pan Y
Taylor A
Radakrishnan S
Luo F
Pincus HAlan
Schackman BR
. 2016.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Are Associated With Sustained Reductions In Opioid Prescribing By Physicians.
Health Aff (Millwood). 35(6):1045-51.
Bao Y
Pan Y
Taylor A
Radakrishnan S
Luo F
Pincus HAlan
Schackman BR
. 2016.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Are Associated With Sustained Reductions In Opioid Prescribing By Physicians.
Health Aff (Millwood). 35(6):1045-51.
Knupp KG
Leister E
Coryell J
Nickels KC
Ryan N
Juarez-Colunga E
Gaillard WD
Mytinger JR
Berg AT
Millichap J
et al.
. 2016.
Response to second treatment after initial failed treatment in a multicenter prospective infantile spasms cohort.
Epilepsia. 57(11):1834-1842.
Knupp KG
Coryell J
Nickels KC
Ryan N
Leister E
Loddenkemper T
Grinspan Z
Hartman AL
Kossoff EH
Gaillard WD
et al.
. 2016.
Response to treatment in a prospective national infantile spasms cohort.
Ann Neurol. 79(3):475-84.
Pesko MF
Baum CF
. 2016.
The self-medication hypothesis: Evidence from terrorism and cigarette accessibility.
Econ Hum Biol. 22:94-102.
Pesko MF
Robarts AMT
. 2017.
Adolescent Tobacco Use in Urban Versus Rural Areas of the United States: The Influence of Tobacco Control Policy Environments.
J Adolesc Health. 61(1):70-76.
Kutscher EJ
Joshi SM
Patel AD
Hafeez B
Grinspan ZM
. 2017.
Barriers to Genetic Testing for Pediatric Medicaid Beneficiaries With Epilepsy.
Pediatr Neurol. 73:28-35.
Hafeez B
Miller S
Patel AD
Grinspan ZM
. 2017.
Care coordination at a pediatric accountable care organization (ACO): A qualitative analysis.
Epilepsy Behav. 73:148-155.
Berry K
Pesko MF
Hesdorffer DC
Shellhaas RA
Seirup JK
Grinspan ZM
. 2017.
An evaluation of national birth certificate data for neonatal seizure epidemiology.
Epilepsia. 58(3):446-455.
Elkin EB
Pocus VH
Mushlin AI
Cigler T
Atoria CL
Polaneczky MM
. 2017.
Facilitating informed decisions about breast cancer screening: development and evaluation of a web-based decision aid for women in their 40s.
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 17(1):29.
Elkin EB
Pocus VH
Mushlin AI
Cigler T
Atoria CL
Polaneczky MM
. 2017.
Facilitating informed decisions about breast cancer screening: development and evaluation of a web-based decision aid for women in their 40s.
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 17(1):29.
Demarest ST
Shellhaas RA
Gaillard WD
Keator C
Nickels KC
Hussain SA
Loddenkemper T
Patel AD
Saneto RP
Wirrell E
et al.
. 2017.
The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.
Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.
Demarest ST
Shellhaas RA
Gaillard WD
Keator C
Nickels KC
Hussain SA
Loddenkemper T
Patel AD
Saneto RP
Wirrell E
et al.
. 2017.
The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.
Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.
Keros S
Buraniqi E
Alex B
Antonetty A
Fialho H
Hafeez B
Jackson MC
Jawahar R
Kjelleren S
Stewart E
et al.
. 2017.
Increasing Ketamine Use for Refractory Status Epilepticus in US Pediatric Hospitals.
J Child Neurol. 32(7):638-646.
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