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Considerations for the development of shale gas in the United Kingdom.
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Cost-Effectiveness of Carotid Plaque MR Imaging as a Stroke Risk Stratification Tool in Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis.
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The 'dirty downside' of global sporting events: focus on human trafficking for sexual exploitation.
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Do provider attitudes about electronic health records predict future electronic health record use?
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The early effects of Medicare's mandatory hospital pay-for-performance program.
Health Serv Res. 50(1):81-97.
Jung H-Y
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Growth Of New York Physician Participation In Meaningful Use Of Electronic Health Records Was Variable, 2011-12.
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Hospital crossover increases utilization for people with epilepsy: a retrospective cohort study.
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Image Sharing Technologies and Reduction of Imaging Utilization: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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Introduction. Apple Pickers or Federal Judges: Strong versus Weak Incentives in Physician Payment.
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Wiley JA
Rittenhouse DR
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Managing chronic illness: physician practices increased the use of care management and medical home processes.
Health Aff (Millwood). 34(1):78-86.
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A new conceptual framework for academic health centers.
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Observational and clinical trial findings on the comparative effectiveness of diabetes drugs showed agreement.
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Optimizing Health Care Coalitions: Conceptual Frameworks and a Research Agenda.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 9(6):717-23.
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Silver MD
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Patient-centered medical homes: observable types derived from national recognition assessment scores.
J Ambul Care Manage. 38(2):144-52.
Casalino LP
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Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions.
Med Care. 53(6):534-41.
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Pain KJ
Mtui EE
Suri JS
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Plaque echolucency and stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Press MJ
Gerber LM
Peng TR
Pesko MF
Feldman PH
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Sridharan S
Bao Y
Barron Y
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Post-Discharge Communication Between Home Health Nurses and Physicians: Measurement, Quality, and Outcomes.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(7):1299-305.
Bao Y
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Bruce ML
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Practices of Depression Care in Home Health Care: Home Health Clinician Perspectives.
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Hildick-Smith GJ
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A Practitioner's Guide to Electronic Cigarettes in the Adolescent Population.
J Adolesc Health. 57(6):574-9.
Grinspan ZM
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Hooker G
Kaushal R
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Predicting frequent ED use by people with epilepsy with health information exchange data.
Neurology. 85(12):1031-8.
DesRoches CM
Barrett KA
Harvey BE
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Reschovsky JD
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The Results Are Only as Good as the Sample: Assessing Three National Physician Sampling Frames.
J Gen Intern Med. 30 Suppl 3:S595-601.
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Retaining Part D's comprehensive coverage of antidepressants: not a silver bullet.
JAMA Psychiatry. 72(3):201-2.
Ryan AM
Shortell SM
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
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Salary and Quality Compensation for Physician Practices Participating in Accountable Care Organizations.
Ann Fam Med. 13(4):321-4.
Say P
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Hsieh C-K
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Smartphone Data in Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Do Rheumatologists Want?
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2015:1130-9.
Casalino LP
Bishop TF
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Symbol of health system transformation? Assessing the CMS Innovation Center.
N Engl J Med. 372(21):1984-5.
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