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Nosyk B, Zang X, Krebs E, Enns B, Min JE, Behrends CN, Del Rio C, Dombrowski JC, Feaster DJ, Golden M et al..  2020.  Ending the HIV epidemic in the USA: an economic modelling study in six cities.. Lancet HIV.
Boas SJ, Bishop TF, Ryan AM, Shih SC, Casalino LP.  2014.  Electronic health records and technical assistance to improve quality of primary care: Lessons for regional extension centers.. Healthc (Amst). 2(2):103-6.
Chagoya G, Kwatra SG, Nanni CW, Roberts CM, Phillips SM, Nullmeyergh S, Gilmore SP, Spasojevic I, Corcoran DL, Young CC et al..  2020.  Efficacy of osimertinib against EGFRvIII+ glioblastoma.. Oncotarget. 11(22):2074-2082.
Raue PJ, Schulberg HC, Bruce ML, Banerjee S, Artis A, Espejo M, Catalan I, Romero S.  2019.  Effectiveness of Shared Decision-Making for Elderly Depressed Minority Primary Care Patients.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 27(8):883-893.
Navathe AS, Volpp KG, Caldarella KL, Bond A, Troxel AB, Zhu J, Matloubieh S, Lyon Z, Mishra A, Sacks L et al..  2019.  Effect of Financial Bonus Size, Loss Aversion, and Increased Social Pressure on Physician Pay-for-Performance: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Cohort Study.. JAMA Netw Open. 2(2):e187950.
Navathe AS, Volpp KG, Caldarella KL, Bond A, Troxel AB, Zhu J, Matloubieh S, Lyon Z, Mishra A, Sacks L et al..  2019.  Effect of Financial Bonus Size, Loss Aversion, and Increased Social Pressure on Physician Pay-for-Performance: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Cohort Study.. JAMA Netw Open. 2(2):e187950.
Navathe AS, Volpp KG, Caldarella KL, Bond A, Troxel AB, Zhu J, Matloubieh S, Lyon Z, Mishra A, Sacks L et al..  2019.  Effect of Financial Bonus Size, Loss Aversion, and Increased Social Pressure on Physician Pay-for-Performance: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Cohort Study.. JAMA Netw Open. 2(2):e187950.
Navathe AS, Volpp KG, Caldarella KL, Bond A, Troxel AB, Zhu J, Matloubieh S, Lyon Z, Mishra A, Sacks L et al..  2019.  Effect of Financial Bonus Size, Loss Aversion, and Increased Social Pressure on Physician Pay-for-Performance: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Cohort Study.. JAMA Netw Open. 2(2):e187950.
Jalali A, Ryan DA, McCollister KE, Marsch LA, Schackman BR, Murphy SM.  2020.  Economic evaluation in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network: Past, present, and future.. J Subst Abuse Treat. 112S:18-27.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Ghomrawi HMK, Mancuso CA, Dunning A, Valle AGonzalez D, Alexiades M, Cornell C, Sculco T, Bostrom M, Mayman D, Marx RG et al..  2017.  Do Surgeon Expectations Predict Clinically Important Improvements in WOMAC Scores After THA and TKA? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 475(9):2150-2158.
Bishop TF, Ryan MSmith, McCullough CM, Shih SC, Casalino LP, Ryan AM.  2015.  Do provider attitudes about electronic health records predict future electronic health record use? Healthc (Amst). 3(1):5-11.
Zang C, Goodman M, Zhu Z, Yang L, Yin Z, Tamas Z, Sharma VMohan, Wang F, Shao N.  2022.  Development of a screening algorithm for borderline personality disorder using electronic health records.. Sci Rep. 12(1):11976.
Zang C, Goodman M, Zhu Z, Yang L, Yin Z, Tamas Z, Sharma VMohan, Wang F, Shao N.  2022.  Development of a screening algorithm for borderline personality disorder using electronic health records.. Sci Rep. 12(1):11976.
Sharma H, Mao C, Zhang Y, Vatani H, Yao L, Zhong Y, Rasmussen L, Jiang G, Pathak J, Luo Y.  2019.  Developing a portable natural language processing based phenotyping system.. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 19(Suppl 3):78.
Krebs E, Enns B, Wang L, Zang X, Panagiotoglou D, Del Rio C, Dombrowski J, Feaster DJ, Golden M, Granich R et al..  2019.  Developing a dynamic HIV transmission model for 6 U.S. cities: An evidence synthesis.. PLoS One. 14(5):e0217559.
Krebs E, Enns B, Wang L, Zang X, Panagiotoglou D, Del Rio C, Dombrowski J, Feaster DJ, Golden M, Granich R et al..  2019.  Developing a dynamic HIV transmission model for 6 U.S. cities: An evidence synthesis.. PLoS One. 14(5):e0217559.
Al'Aref SJ, Singh G, van Rosendael AR, Kolli KK, Ma X, Maliakal G, Pandey M, Lee BC, Wang J, Xu Z et al..  2019.  Determinants of In-Hospital Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Machine Learning Approach.. J Am Heart Assoc. 8(5):e011160.
Brandt PS, Pacheco JA, Adekkanattu P, Sholle ET, Abedian S, Stone DJ, Knaack DM, Xu J, Xu Z, Peng Y et al..  2022.  Design and validation of a FHIR-based EHR-driven phenotyping toolbox.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 29(9):1449-1460.
Brandt PS, Pacheco JA, Adekkanattu P, Sholle ET, Abedian S, Stone DJ, Knaack DM, Xu J, Xu Z, Peng Y et al..  2022.  Design and validation of a FHIR-based EHR-driven phenotyping toolbox.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 29(9):1449-1460.
Kaur S, Silver G, Samuels S, Rosen AH, Weiss M, Mauer EA, Gerber LM, Greenwald BM, Traube C.  2020.  Delirium and Developmental Disability: Improving Specificity of a Pediatric Delirium Screen.. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 21(5):409-414.
Kaur S, Silver G, Samuels S, Rosen AH, Weiss M, Mauer EA, Gerber LM, Greenwald BM, Traube C.  2020.  Delirium and Developmental Disability: Improving Specificity of a Pediatric Delirium Screen.. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 21(5):409-414.
Su C, Xu Z, Pathak J, Wang F.  2020.  Deep learning in mental health outcome research: a scoping review.. Transl Psychiatry. 10(1):116.