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Bao Y, Maciejewski RC, Garrido MM, Shah MA, Maciejewski PK, Prigerson HG.  2018.  Chemotherapy Use, End-of-Life Care, and Costs of Care Among Patients Diagnosed With Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer.. J Pain Symptom Manage. 55(4):1113-1121.e3.
Murphy SM, McCollister KE, Leff JA, Yang X, Jeng PJ, Lee JD, Nunes EV, Novo P, Rotrosen J, Schackman BR.  2018.  Cost-Effectiveness of Buprenorphine-Naloxone Versus Extended-Release Naltrexone to Prevent Opioid Relapse.. Ann Intern Med.
Mones E, Stopczynski A, Pentland A'Sandy', Hupert N, Lehmann S.  2018.  Optimizing targeted vaccination across cyber-physical networks: an empirically based mathematical simulation study.. J R Soc Interface. 15(138)
Glass HC, Grinspan ZM, Shellhaas RA.  2018.  Outcomes after acute symptomatic seizures in neonates.. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 23(3):218-222.
Chatterjee A, Banerjee S, Stein C, Kim M-H, DeFerio J, Pathak J.  2018.  Risk Factors for Depression Among Civilians After the 9/11 World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. PLoS Curr. 10
Ancker JS, Sharko M, Hong M, Mitchell H, Wilcox L.  2018.  Should parents see their teen's medical record? Asking about the effect on adolescent-doctor communication changes attitudes. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 25(12):1593-1599.
Sharko M, Wilcox L, Hong MK, Ancker JS.  2018.  Variability in adolescent portal privacy features: how the unique privacy needs of the adolescent patient create a complex decision-making process.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 25(8):1008-1017.
Szablewski CM, Hendricks K, Bower WA, Shadomy SV, Hupert N.  2017.  Anthrax Cases Associated with Animal-Hair Shaving Brushes.. Emerg Infect Dis. 23(5):806-808.
Szablewski CM, Hendricks K, Bower WA, Shadomy SV, Hupert N.  2017.  Anthrax Cases Associated with Animal-Hair Shaving Brushes.. Emerg Infect Dis. 23(5):806-808.
Ghomrawi HMK, Mancuso CA, Dunning A, Valle AGonzalez D, Alexiades M, Cornell C, Sculco T, Bostrom M, Mayman D, Marx RG et al..  2017.  Do Surgeon Expectations Predict Clinically Important Improvements in WOMAC Scores After THA and TKA? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 475(9):2150-2158.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Berry K, Pesko MF, Hesdorffer DC, Shellhaas RA, Seirup JK, Grinspan ZM.  2017.  An evaluation of national birth certificate data for neonatal seizure epidemiology.. Epilepsia. 58(3):446-455.
Berry K, Pesko MF, Hesdorffer DC, Shellhaas RA, Seirup JK, Grinspan ZM.  2017.  An evaluation of national birth certificate data for neonatal seizure epidemiology.. Epilepsia. 58(3):446-455.
Kern LM, Seirup JK, Casalino LP, Safford MM.  2017.  Healthcare Fragmentation and the Frequency of Radiology and Other Diagnostic Tests: A Cross-Sectional Study.. J Gen Intern Med. 32(2):175-181.
Kern LM, Seirup JK, Casalino LP, Safford MM.  2017.  Healthcare Fragmentation and the Frequency of Radiology and Other Diagnostic Tests: A Cross-Sectional Study.. J Gen Intern Med. 32(2):175-181.
Demarest ST, Shellhaas RA, Gaillard WD, Keator C, Nickels KC, Hussain SA, Loddenkemper T, Patel AD, Saneto RP, Wirrell E et al..  2017.  The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.. Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.
Demarest ST, Shellhaas RA, Gaillard WD, Keator C, Nickels KC, Hussain SA, Loddenkemper T, Patel AD, Saneto RP, Wirrell E et al..  2017.  The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.. Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.
Demarest ST, Shellhaas RA, Gaillard WD, Keator C, Nickels KC, Hussain SA, Loddenkemper T, Patel AD, Saneto RP, Wirrell E et al..  2017.  The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.. Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.
Demarest ST, Shellhaas RA, Gaillard WD, Keator C, Nickels KC, Hussain SA, Loddenkemper T, Patel AD, Saneto RP, Wirrell E et al..  2017.  The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.. Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.