Population Health Sciences

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Casalino LP, Chen MA, C Staub T, Press MJ, Mendelsohn JL, Lynch JT, Miranda Y.  2016.  Large Independent Primary Care Medical Groups.. Ann Fam Med. 14(1):16-25.
Ramsay PP, Shortell SM, Casalino LP, Rodriguez HP, Rittenhouse DR.  2016.  A Longitudinal Study of Medical Practices' Treatment of Patients Who Use Tobacco.. Am J Prev Med. 50(3):328-335.
Li J, Shin S, Sun Y, Yoon S-O, Li C, Zhang E, Yu J, Zhang J, Blenis J.  2016.  mTORC1-Driven Tumor Cells Are Highly Sensitive to Therapeutic Targeting by Antagonists of Oxidative Stress.. Cancer Res. 76(16):4816-27.
Li J, Shin S, Sun Y, Yoon S-O, Li C, Zhang E, Yu J, Zhang J, Blenis J.  2016.  mTORC1-Driven Tumor Cells Are Highly Sensitive to Therapeutic Targeting by Antagonists of Oxidative Stress.. Cancer Res. 76(16):4816-27.
McHugh M, Shi Y, Ramsay PP, Harvey JB, Casalino LP, Shortell SM, Alexander JA.  2016.  Patient-Centered Medical Home Adoption: Results From Aligning Forces For Quality.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(1):141-9.
McHugh M, Shi Y, Ramsay PP, Harvey JB, Casalino LP, Shortell SM, Alexander JA.  2016.  Patient-Centered Medical Home Adoption: Results From Aligning Forces For Quality.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(1):141-9.
Richardson JE, Kern LM, Silver M, Jung H-Y, Kaushal R.  2016.  Physician Satisfaction in Practices That Transformed Into Patient-Centered Medical Homes: A Statewide Study in New York.. Am J Med Qual. 31(4):331-6.
Bao Y, Pan Y, Taylor A, Radakrishnan S, Luo F, Pincus HAlan, Schackman BR.  2016.  Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Are Associated With Sustained Reductions In Opioid Prescribing By Physicians.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(6):1045-51.
Bishop TF, Ryan AM, Chen MA, Mendelsohn J, Gottlieb D, Shih S, Desai P, Wolff EA, Casalino LP.  2016.  A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Shared Panel Management Program for Small Practices.. Health Serv Res. 51(5):1796-813.
Knupp KG, Leister E, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Juarez-Colunga E, Gaillard WD, Mytinger JR, Berg AT, Millichap J et al..  2016.  Response to second treatment after initial failed treatment in a multicenter prospective infantile spasms cohort.. Epilepsia. 57(11):1834-1842.
Knupp KG, Leister E, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Juarez-Colunga E, Gaillard WD, Mytinger JR, Berg AT, Millichap J et al..  2016.  Response to second treatment after initial failed treatment in a multicenter prospective infantile spasms cohort.. Epilepsia. 57(11):1834-1842.
Knupp KG, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Leister E, Loddenkemper T, Grinspan Z, Hartman AL, Kossoff EH, Gaillard WD et al..  2016.  Response to treatment in a prospective national infantile spasms cohort.. Ann Neurol. 79(3):475-84.
Knupp KG, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Leister E, Loddenkemper T, Grinspan Z, Hartman AL, Kossoff EH, Gaillard WD et al..  2016.  Response to treatment in a prospective national infantile spasms cohort.. Ann Neurol. 79(3):475-84.
McHugh M, Shi Y, McClellan SR, Shortell SM, Fareed N, Harvey J, Ramsay P, Casalino LP.  2016.  Using multi-stakeholder alliances to accelerate the adoption of health information technology by physician practices.. Healthc (Amst). 4(2):86-91.
McHugh M, Shi Y, McClellan SR, Shortell SM, Fareed N, Harvey J, Ramsay P, Casalino LP.  2016.  Using multi-stakeholder alliances to accelerate the adoption of health information technology by physician practices.. Healthc (Amst). 4(2):86-91.
Casalino LP, Erb N, Joshi MS, Shortell SM.  2015.  Accountable Care Organizations and Population Health Organizations.. J Health Polit Policy Law. 40(4):821-37.
Bao Y, Shao H, Bruce ML, Press MJ.  2015.  Antidepressant Medication Management Among Older Patients Receiving Home Health Care.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 23(10):999-1006.
Prigerson HG, Bao Y, Shah MA, M Paulk E, LeBlanc TW, Schneider BJ, Garrido MM, M Reid C, Berlin DA, Adelson KB et al..  2015.  Chemotherapy Use, Performance Status, and Quality of Life at the End of Life.. JAMA Oncol. 1(6):778-84.
Prigerson HG, Bao Y, Shah MA, M Paulk E, LeBlanc TW, Schneider BJ, Garrido MM, M Reid C, Berlin DA, Adelson KB et al..  2015.  Chemotherapy Use, Performance Status, and Quality of Life at the End of Life.. JAMA Oncol. 1(6):778-84.
Hays J, Finkel ML, Depledge M, Law A, Shonkoff SBC.  2015.  Considerations for the development of shale gas in the United Kingdom.. Sci Total Environ. 512-513:36-42.
Bishop TF, Ryan MSmith, McCullough CM, Shih SC, Casalino LP, Ryan AM.  2015.  Do provider attitudes about electronic health records predict future electronic health record use? Healthc (Amst). 3(1):5-11.
Grinspan ZM, Shapiro JS, Abramson EL, Jung H-Y, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2015.  Hospital crossover increases utilization for people with epilepsy: a retrospective cohort study.. Epilepsia. 56(1):147-57.
Wiley JA, Rittenhouse DR, Shortell SM, Casalino LP, Ramsay PP, Bibi S, Ryan AM, Copeland KR, Alexander JA.  2015.  Managing chronic illness: physician practices increased the use of care management and medical home processes.. Health Aff (Millwood). 34(1):78-86.
Vest JR, Kern LM, Jung H-Y, Ancker JS, Richardson JE, Silver MD, Kaushal R.  2015.  Patient-centered medical homes: observable types derived from national recognition assessment scores.. J Ambul Care Manage. 38(2):144-52.
Casalino LP, Pesko MF, Ryan AM, Nyweide DJ, Iwashyna TJ, Sun X, Mendelsohn J, Moody J.  2015.  Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions.. Med Care. 53(6):534-41.