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Bishop TF, Ryan AM, Chen MA, Mendelsohn J, Gottlieb D, Shih S, Desai P, Wolff EA, Casalino LP.  2016.  A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Shared Panel Management Program for Small Practices.. Health Serv Res. 51(5):1796-813.
Kamel H, Okin PM, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Campion TR, Devereux RB, Díaz I, Weinsaft JW, Kim J.  2019.  Relationship between left atrial volume and ischemic stroke subtype.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 6(8):1480-1486.
Kamel H, Okin PM, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Campion TR, Devereux RB, Díaz I, Weinsaft JW, Kim J.  2019.  Relationship between left atrial volume and ischemic stroke subtype.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 6(8):1480-1486.
Bingham KS, Dawson DR, Mulsant BH, Banerjee S, Flint AJ.  2020.  Relationships Among History of Psychosis, Cognition and Functioning in Later-Life Remitted Major Depression.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry.
Behrendt C-A, Kölbel T, Debus ESebastian, Rieß HChristian, Sedrakyan A.  2019.  Reply.. J Vasc Surg. 69(4):1328.
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DesRoches CM, Barrett KA, Harvey BE, Kogan R, Reschovsky JD, Landon BE, Casalino LP, Shortell SM, Rich EC.  2015.  The Results Are Only as Good as the Sample: Assessing Three National Physician Sampling Frames.. J Gen Intern Med. 30 Suppl 3:S595-601.
Bao Y, Tang Y, Donohue J.  2015.  Retaining Part D's comprehensive coverage of antidepressants: not a silver bullet.. JAMA Psychiatry. 72(3):201-2.
Da Cunha RJ, MacMahon A, Jones MT, Savenkov A, Deland J, Roberts M, Levine D, Elliot A, Kennedy J, Drakos M et al..  2019.  Return to Sports and Physical Activities After First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis in Young Patients.. Foot Ankle Int. 40(7):745-752.
Da Cunha RJ, MacMahon A, Jones MT, Savenkov A, Deland J, Roberts M, Levine D, Elliot A, Kennedy J, Drakos M et al..  2019.  Return to Sports and Physical Activities After First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis in Young Patients.. Foot Ankle Int. 40(7):745-752.
Da Cunha RJ, MacMahon A, Jones MT, Savenkov A, Deland J, Roberts M, Levine D, Elliot A, Kennedy J, Drakos M et al..  2019.  Return to Sports and Physical Activities After First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis in Young Patients.. Foot Ankle Int. 40(7):745-752.
Chatterjee A, Banerjee S, Stein C, Kim M-H, DeFerio J, Pathak J.  2018.  Risk Factors for Depression Among Civilians After the 9/11 World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. PLoS Curr. 10
Merkler AE, Parikh NS, Mir S, Gupta A, Kamel H, Lin E, Lantos J, Schenck EJ, Goyal P, Bruce SS et al..  2020.  Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vs Patients With Influenza.. JAMA Neurol.
de Melo-Martín I, Hays J, Finkel ML.  2014.  The role of ethics in shale gas policies.. Sci Total Environ. 470-471:1114-9.
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Rahman A, Schelbaum E, Hoffman K, Díaz I, Hristov H, Andrews R, Jett S, Jackson H, Lee A, Sarva H et al..  2020.  Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.. Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.
Rahman A, Schelbaum E, Hoffman K, Díaz I, Hristov H, Andrews R, Jett S, Jackson H, Lee A, Sarva H et al..  2020.  Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.. Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.
Rahman A, Schelbaum E, Hoffman K, Díaz I, Hristov H, Andrews R, Jett S, Jackson H, Lee A, Sarva H et al..  2020.  Sex-driven modifiers of Alzheimer risk: A multimodality brain imaging study.. Neurology. 95(2):e166-e178.
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Bai Z, Bartelo N, Aslam M, Murphy EA, Hale CR, Blachere NE, Parveen S, Spolaore E, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM et al..  2024.  Synovial fibroblast gene expression is associated with sensory nerve growth and pain in rheumatoid arthritis.. Sci Transl Med. 16(742):eadk3506.