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Liu J, van der Smissen WJCPrager, J Collée M, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Ahearn TU, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone CB et al..  2020.  Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9688.
Liu J, van der Smissen WJCPrager, J Collée M, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Ahearn TU, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone CB et al..  2020.  Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9688.
Liu J, van der Smissen WJCPrager, J Collée M, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Ahearn TU, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone CB et al..  2020.  Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9688.
Liu J, van der Smissen WJCPrager, J Collée M, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Ahearn TU, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone CB et al..  2020.  Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9688.
Liu J, van der Smissen WJCPrager, J Collée M, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Ahearn TU, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone CB et al..  2020.  Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9688.
Liu J, van der Smissen WJCPrager, J Collée M, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Ahearn TU, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone CB et al..  2020.  Germline HOXB13 mutations p.G84E and p.R217C do not confer an increased breast cancer risk.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9688.
Weiss P, Myers AL, McGann KA, Mason KE, Kesselheim JC, Fleming G, Barron C, Klasner A, Heyman MB, Weiss DL et al..  2019.  Funding Sources and Perceived Financial Insecurity in Pediatric Subspecialty Fellowship Programs.. Acad Pediatr. 19(7):815-821.
Woo JHoon, Grinspan Z, Shapiro J, Rhee SYoul.  2016.  Frequent Users of Hospital Emergency Departments in Korea Characterized by Claims Data from the National Health Insurance: A Cross Sectional Study.. PLoS One. 11(1):e0147450.
McCarthy MW, de Asua DReal, Gabbay E, Christos PJ, Fins JJ.  2019.  Frequency of Ethical Issues on a Hospitalist Teaching Service at an Urban, Tertiary Care Center.. J Hosp Med. 14(5):290-293.
Cohen-Mekelburg S, Rosenblatt R, Gold S, Shen N, Fortune B, Waljee AK, Saini S, Scherl E, Burakoff R, Unruh M.  2019.  Fragmented Care is Prevalent Among Inflammatory Bowel Disease Readmissions and is Associated With Worse Outcomes.. Am J Gastroenterol. 114(2):276-290.
Breen WG, S Anderson K, Carrero XW, Brown PD, Ballman KV, O'Neill BP, Curran WJ, Abrams RA, Laack NN, Levitt R et al..  2020.  Final report from intergroup NCCTG 86-72-51 (Alliance): a phase 3 randomized clinical trial of high dose versus low dose radiation for adult low-grade glioma.. Neuro Oncol.
Hafeez B, Paolicchi J, Pon S, Howell JD, Grinspan ZM.  2016.  Feasibility of Automatic Extraction of Electronic Health Data to Evaluate a Status Epilepticus Clinical Protocol.. J Child Neurol. 31(6):709-16.
Goldberg EM, Trivedi AN, Mor V, Jung H-Y, Rahman M.  2017.  Favorable Risk Selection in Medicare Advantage: Trends in Mortality and Plan Exits Among Nursing Home Beneficiaries.. Med Care Res Rev. 74(6):736-749.
Creber RMMasterso, Baldwin MR, Brown PJ, Rao MK, Goyal P, Hummel S, Dodson JA, Helmke S, Maurer MS.  2019.  Facilitated Peer Mentorship to Support Aging Research: A RE-AIM Evaluation of the CoMPAdRE Program.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 67(4):804-810.
Tagawa ST, Antonarakis ES, Gjyrezi A, Galletti G, Kim S, Worroll D, Stewart J, Zaher A, Szatrowski TP, Ballman KV et al..  2019.  Expression of AR-V7 and ARv in Circulating Tumor Cells Correlates with Outcomes to Taxane Therapy in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treated in TAXYNERGY.. Clin Cancer Res. 25(6):1880-1888.
Tagawa ST, Antonarakis ES, Gjyrezi A, Galletti G, Kim S, Worroll D, Stewart J, Zaher A, Szatrowski TP, Ballman KV et al..  2019.  Expression of AR-V7 and ARv in Circulating Tumor Cells Correlates with Outcomes to Taxane Therapy in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treated in TAXYNERGY.. Clin Cancer Res. 25(6):1880-1888.
Tagawa ST, Antonarakis ES, Gjyrezi A, Galletti G, Kim S, Worroll D, Stewart J, Zaher A, Szatrowski TP, Ballman KV et al..  2019.  Expression of AR-V7 and ARv in Circulating Tumor Cells Correlates with Outcomes to Taxane Therapy in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treated in TAXYNERGY.. Clin Cancer Res. 25(6):1880-1888.
Ghomrawi HMK, Mushlin AI, Kang R, Banerjee S, Singh JA, Sharma L, Flink C, Nevitt M, Neogi T, Riddle DL.  2020.  Examining Timeliness of Total Knee Replacement Among Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis in the U.S.: Results from the OAI and MOST Longitudinal Cohorts.. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 102(6):468-476.
Ghomrawi HMK, Alexiades M, Pavlov H, Nam D, Endo Y, Mandl LA, Mushlin AI.  2014.  Evaluation of two appropriateness criteria for total knee replacement.. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 66(11):1749-53.
Berry K, Pesko MF, Hesdorffer DC, Shellhaas RA, Seirup JK, Grinspan ZM.  2017.  An evaluation of national birth certificate data for neonatal seizure epidemiology.. Epilepsia. 58(3):446-455.
Yan P, Melman T, Yan S, Otgonsuren M, Grinspan Z.  2017.  Evaluation of a novel median power spectrogram for seizure detection by non-neurophysiologists.. Seizure. 50:109-117.
Nabbout R, Arzimanoglou A, Chin RFM, Grinspan Z, Speechley K, Camfield P.  2019.  The evaluation and costs of transition programs for youth with epilepsy.. Epilepsy Behav. 93:133-137.
Honarvar H, Agarwal C, Somani S, Vaid A, Lampert J, Wanyan T, Reddy VY, Nadkarni GN, Miotto R, Zitnik M et al..  2022.  Enhancing convolutional neural network predictions of electrocardiograms with left ventricular dysfunction using a novel sub-waveform representation.. Cardiovasc Digit Health J. 3(5):220-231.
Creber RMMasterso, Grossman LV, Ryan B, Qian M, Polubriaginof FCG, Restaino S, Bakken S, Hripcsak G, Vawdrey DK.  2019.  Engaging hospitalized patients with personalized health information: a randomized trial of an inpatient portal.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 26(2):115-123.
Nosyk B, Zang X, Krebs E, Enns B, Min JE, Behrends CN, Del Rio C, Dombrowski JC, Feaster DJ, Golden M et al..  2020.  Ending the HIV epidemic in the USA: an economic modelling study in six cities.. Lancet HIV.