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Caceres BA, Turchioe MReading, Pho A, Koleck TA, Creber RMasterson, Bakken SB.  2020.  Sexual Identity and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Awareness of Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms: Findings From the National Health Interview Survey.. Am J Health Promot. :890117120932471.
Caceres BA, Hickey KT, Bakken SB, Biviano AB, Garan H, Goldenthal IL, Koleck TA, Masterson-Creber R, Turchioe MReading, Jia H.  2020.  Mobile Electrocardiogram Monitoring and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: Findings From the iPhone Helping Evaluate Atrial Fibrillation Rhythm Through Technology (iHEART) Study.. J Cardiovasc Nurs.
Campion TR, Craven CK, Dorr DA, Knosp BM.  2020.  Understanding enterprise data warehouses to support clinical and translational research.. J Am Med Inform Assoc.
Campion TR, Johnson SB, Paxton EW, Mushlin AI, Sedrakyan A.  2014.  Implementing unique device identification in electronic health record systems: organizational, workflow, and technological challenges.. Med Care. 52(1):26-31.
Cannistra SA, Haffty BG, Ballman K.  2020.  Challenges Faced by Medical Journals During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. J Clin Oncol. :JCO2000858.
Carey RM, Fathy R, Shah RR, Rajasekaran K, Cannady SB, Newman JG, Ibrahim SA, Brant JA.  2020.  Association of Type of Treatment Facility With Overall Survival After a Diagnosis of Head and Neck Cancer.. JAMA Netw Open. 3(1):e1919697.
Carlo AD, Jeng PJ, Bao Y, Unützer J.  2019.  The Learning Curve After Implementation of Collaborative Care in a State Mental Health Integration Program.. Psychiatr Serv. 70(2):139-142.
Casalino LP, Pesko MF, Ryan AM, Mendelsohn JL, Copeland KR, Ramsay PPamela, Sun X, Rittenhouse DR, Shortell SM.  2014.  Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions.. Health Aff (Millwood). 33(9):1680-8.
Casalino LP, Chen MA, C Staub T, Press MJ, Mendelsohn JL, Lynch JT, Miranda Y.  2016.  Large Independent Primary Care Medical Groups.. Ann Fam Med. 14(1):16-25.
Casalino LP, Khullar D.  2019.  Value-Based Purchasing and Physician Professionalism.. JAMA.
Casalino LP, Bishop TF.  2015.  Symbol of health system transformation? Assessing the CMS Innovation Center. N Engl J Med. 372(21):1984-5.
Casalino LP, Gans D, Weber R, Cea M, Tuchovsky A, Bishop TF, Miranda Y, Frankel BA, Ziehler KB, Wong MM et al..  2016.  US Physician Practices Spend More Than $15.4 Billion Annually To Report Quality Measures.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(3):401-6.
Casalino LP, Saiani R, Bhidya S, Khullar D, O'Donnell E.  2019.  Private Equity Acquisition of Physician Practices.. Ann Intern Med. 171(1):78.
Casalino LP, Pesko MF, Ryan AM, Nyweide DJ, Iwashyna TJ, Sun X, Mendelsohn J, Moody J.  2015.  Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions.. Med Care. 53(6):534-41.
Casalino LP.  2017.  The Medicare Access And CHIP Reauthorization Act And The Corporate Transformation Of American Medicine.. Health Aff (Millwood). 36(5):865-869.
Casalino LP, Erb N, Joshi MS, Shortell SM.  2015.  Accountable Care Organizations and Population Health Organizations.. J Health Polit Policy Law. 40(4):821-37.
Casalino LP, Chenven N.  2017.  Independent practice associations: Advantages and disadvantages of an alternative form of physician practice organization.. Healthc (Amst). 5(1-2):46-52.
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Chaabane S, Chaabna K, Abraham A, Mamtani R, Cheema S.  2020.  Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the Middle East and North Africa: An overview of systematic reviews and meta-analysis.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9363.
Chaabna K, Cheema S, Abraham A, Mamtani R.  2020.  Strengthening literature search strategies for systematic reviews reporting population health in the Middle East and North Africa: A meta-research study.. J Evid Based Med.
Chagoya G, Kwatra SG, Nanni CW, Roberts CM, Phillips SM, Nullmeyergh S, Gilmore SP, Spasojevic I, Corcoran DL, Young CC et al..  2020.  Efficacy of osimertinib against EGFRvIII+ glioblastoma.. Oncotarget. 11(22):2074-2082.
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Chen H, Yaghjyan L, Li C, Peters U, Rosner B, Lindström S, Tamimi RM.  2020.  Interactions Between Mammographic Density Phenotypes and Established Risk Factors on Breast Cancer Risk, by Tumor Subtype and Menopausal Status.. Am J Epidemiol.
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Choe H, Gergis U, Hsu J, Phillips A, Shore T, Christos P, van Besien K, Mayer S.  2019.  Bortezomib and Immune Globulin Have Limited Effects on Donor-Specific HLA Antibodies in Haploidentical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation: Detrimental Effect of Persistent Haploidentical Donor-Specific HLA Antibodies.. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 25(2):e60-e64.