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Bond AM, Schwab SD.  2019.  Utilization Variation In Military Versus Civilian Care: Evidence From TRICARE.. Health Aff (Millwood). 38(8):1327-1334.
Zacharias N, Wang GJ, Sedrakyan A, Columbo JA, Boyle JR, Goodney PP.  2019.  Using the Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment, Long-Term Study Framework for Devices (IDEAL-D) to Better Understand the Evolution of Evidence Surrounding Fenestrated Abdominal Aortic Endovascular Grafts.. Ann Vasc Surg. 59:293-299.
Mbwana JS, Grinspan ZM, Bailey R, Berl M, Buchhalter J, Bumbut A, Danner Z, Glauser T, Glotstein A, Goodkin H et al..  2019.  Using EHRs to advance epilepsy care.. Neurol Clin Pract. 9(1):83-88.
Mbwana JS, Grinspan ZM, Bailey R, Berl M, Buchhalter J, Bumbut A, Danner Z, Glauser T, Glotstein A, Goodkin H et al..  2019.  Using EHRs to advance epilepsy care.. Neurol Clin Pract. 9(1):83-88.
Mbwana JS, Grinspan ZM, Bailey R, Berl M, Buchhalter J, Bumbut A, Danner Z, Glauser T, Glotstein A, Goodkin H et al..  2019.  Using EHRs to advance epilepsy care.. Neurol Clin Pract. 9(1):83-88.
Mbwana JS, Grinspan ZM, Bailey R, Berl M, Buchhalter J, Bumbut A, Danner Z, Glauser T, Glotstein A, Goodkin H et al..  2019.  Using EHRs to advance epilepsy care.. Neurol Clin Pract. 9(1):83-88.
Creber RMasterson, Russell D, Dooley F, Jordan L, Baik D, Goyal P, Hummel S, Hummel EK, Bowles KH.  2019.  Use of the Palliative Performance Scale to estimate survival among home hospice patients with heart failure.. ESC Heart Fail. 6(2):371-378.
Creber RMasterson, Russell D, Dooley F, Jordan L, Baik D, Goyal P, Hummel S, Hummel EK, Bowles KH.  2019.  Use of the Palliative Performance Scale to estimate survival among home hospice patients with heart failure.. ESC Heart Fail. 6(2):371-378.
Casalino LP, Gans D, Weber R, Cea M, Tuchovsky A, Bishop TF, Miranda Y, Frankel BA, Ziehler KB, Wong MM et al..  2016.  US Physician Practices Spend More Than $15.4 Billion Annually To Report Quality Measures.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(3):401-6.
Bao Y, Druss BG, Jung H-Y, Chan Y-F, Unützer J.  2016.  Unpacking Collaborative Care for Depression: Examining Two Essential Tasks for Implementation.. Psychiatr Serv. 67(4):418-24.
Khullar D, Ohn JA, Trusheim M, Bach PB.  2020.  Understanding the Rewards of Successful Drug Development - Thinking Inside the Box.. N Engl J Med. 382(5):473-480.
Turchioe MReading, Myers A, Isaac S, Baik D, Grossman LV, Ancker JS, Creber RMasterson.  2019.  A Systematic Review of Patient-Facing Visualizations of Personal Health Data.. Appl Clin Inform. 10(4):751-770.
Bai Z, Bartelo N, Aslam M, Murphy EA, Hale CR, Blachere NE, Parveen S, Spolaore E, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM et al..  2024.  Synovial fibroblast gene expression is associated with sensory nerve growth and pain in rheumatoid arthritis.. Sci Transl Med. 16(742):eadk3506.
Bai Z, Bartelo N, Aslam M, Murphy EA, Hale CR, Blachere NE, Parveen S, Spolaore E, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM et al..  2024.  Synovial fibroblast gene expression is associated with sensory nerve growth and pain in rheumatoid arthritis.. Sci Transl Med. 16(742):eadk3506.
Bai Z, Bartelo N, Aslam M, Murphy EA, Hale CR, Blachere NE, Parveen S, Spolaore E, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM et al..  2024.  Synovial fibroblast gene expression is associated with sensory nerve growth and pain in rheumatoid arthritis.. Sci Transl Med. 16(742):eadk3506.
Casalino LP, Bishop TF.  2015.  Symbol of health system transformation? Assessing the CMS Innovation Center. N Engl J Med. 372(21):1984-5.
McNeely J, Troxel AB, Kunins HV, Shelley D, Lee JD, Walley A, Weinstein ZM, Billings J, Davis NJ, Marcello RKalyanaram et al..  2019.  Study protocol for a pragmatic trial of the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) model for engaging patients in opioid use disorder treatment.. Addict Sci Clin Pract. 14(1):5.
McNeely J, Troxel AB, Kunins HV, Shelley D, Lee JD, Walley A, Weinstein ZM, Billings J, Davis NJ, Marcello RKalyanaram et al..  2019.  Study protocol for a pragmatic trial of the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) model for engaging patients in opioid use disorder treatment.. Addict Sci Clin Pract. 14(1):5.
McNeely J, Troxel AB, Kunins HV, Shelley D, Lee JD, Walley A, Weinstein ZM, Billings J, Davis NJ, Marcello RKalyanaram et al..  2019.  Study protocol for a pragmatic trial of the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) model for engaging patients in opioid use disorder treatment.. Addict Sci Clin Pract. 14(1):5.
Meisel ZF, Mitchell J, Polsky D, Boualam N, McGeoch E, Weiner J, Miclette M, Purtle J, Schackman B, Cannuscio CC.  2019.  Strengthening partnerships between substance use researchers and policy makers to take advantage of a window of opportunity.. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 14(1):12.