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Flory JH, Mushlin AI, Goodman ZI.  2016.  Proposals to Conduct Randomized Controlled Trials Without Informed Consent: a Narrative Review.. J Gen Intern Med. 31(12):1511-1518.
Bishop TF, Ryan AM, Chen MA, Mendelsohn J, Gottlieb D, Shih S, Desai P, Wolff EA, Casalino LP.  2016.  A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Shared Panel Management Program for Small Practices.. Health Serv Res. 51(5):1796-813.
Knupp KG, Leister E, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Juarez-Colunga E, Gaillard WD, Mytinger JR, Berg AT, Millichap J et al..  2016.  Response to second treatment after initial failed treatment in a multicenter prospective infantile spasms cohort.. Epilepsia. 57(11):1834-1842.
Knupp KG, Coryell J, Nickels KC, Ryan N, Leister E, Loddenkemper T, Grinspan Z, Hartman AL, Kossoff EH, Gaillard WD et al..  2016.  Response to treatment in a prospective national infantile spasms cohort.. Ann Neurol. 79(3):475-84.
Finkel ML, Law A.  2016.  The Rush to Drill for Natural Gas: A Five-Year Update.. Am J Public Health. 106(10):1728-30.
Pesko MF, Baum CF.  2016.  The self-medication hypothesis: Evidence from terrorism and cigarette accessibility.. Econ Hum Biol. 22:94-102.
Finkel ML.  2016.  Shale gas development and cancer incidence in southwest Pennsylvania.. Public Health. 141:198-206.
Bao Y, Druss BG, Jung H-Y, Chan Y-F, Unützer J.  2016.  Unpacking Collaborative Care for Depression: Examining Two Essential Tasks for Implementation.. Psychiatr Serv. 67(4):418-24.
Casalino LP, Gans D, Weber R, Cea M, Tuchovsky A, Bishop TF, Miranda Y, Frankel BA, Ziehler KB, Wong MM et al..  2016.  US Physician Practices Spend More Than $15.4 Billion Annually To Report Quality Measures.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(3):401-6.
McHugh M, Shi Y, McClellan SR, Shortell SM, Fareed N, Harvey J, Ramsay P, Casalino LP.  2016.  Using multi-stakeholder alliances to accelerate the adoption of health information technology by physician practices.. Healthc (Amst). 4(2):86-91.
Pesko MF, Robarts AMT.  2017.  Adolescent Tobacco Use in Urban Versus Rural Areas of the United States: The Influence of Tobacco Control Policy Environments.. J Adolesc Health. 61(1):70-76.
Szablewski CM, Hendricks K, Bower WA, Shadomy SV, Hupert N.  2017.  Anthrax Cases Associated with Animal-Hair Shaving Brushes.. Emerg Infect Dis. 23(5):806-808.
Kutscher EJ, Joshi SM, Patel AD, Hafeez B, Grinspan ZM.  2017.  Barriers to Genetic Testing for Pediatric Medicaid Beneficiaries With Epilepsy.. Pediatr Neurol. 73:28-35.
Hafeez B, Miller S, Patel AD, Grinspan ZM.  2017.  Care coordination at a pediatric accountable care organization (ACO): A qualitative analysis.. Epilepsy Behav. 73:148-155.
Ghomrawi HMK, Mancuso CA, Dunning A, Valle AGonzalez D, Alexiades M, Cornell C, Sculco T, Bostrom M, Mayman D, Marx RG et al..  2017.  Do Surgeon Expectations Predict Clinically Important Improvements in WOMAC Scores After THA and TKA? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 475(9):2150-2158.
Berg AT, Coryell J, Saneto RP, Grinspan ZM, Alexander JJ, Kekis M, Sullivan JE, Wirrell EC, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR et al..  2017.  Early-Life Epilepsies and the Emerging Role of Genetic Testing.. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):863-871.
Li J, Dow WH, Rosero-Bixby L.  2017.  Education Gains Attributable to Fertility Decline: Patterns by Gender, Period, and Country in Latin America and Asia.. Demography. 54(4):1353-1373.
Yan P, Melman T, Yan S, Otgonsuren M, Grinspan Z.  2017.  Evaluation of a novel median power spectrogram for seizure detection by non-neurophysiologists.. Seizure. 50:109-117.
Berry K, Pesko MF, Hesdorffer DC, Shellhaas RA, Seirup JK, Grinspan ZM.  2017.  An evaluation of national birth certificate data for neonatal seizure epidemiology.. Epilepsia. 58(3):446-455.
Elkin EB, Pocus VH, Mushlin AI, Cigler T, Atoria CL, Polaneczky MM.  2017.  Facilitating informed decisions about breast cancer screening: development and evaluation of a web-based decision aid for women in their 40s.. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 17(1):29.
Goldberg EM, Trivedi AN, Mor V, Jung H-Y, Rahman M.  2017.  Favorable Risk Selection in Medicare Advantage: Trends in Mortality and Plan Exits Among Nursing Home Beneficiaries.. Med Care Res Rev. 74(6):736-749.
Kern LM, Seirup JK, Casalino LP, Safford MM.  2017.  Healthcare Fragmentation and the Frequency of Radiology and Other Diagnostic Tests: A Cross-Sectional Study.. J Gen Intern Med. 32(2):175-181.
Lohman MC, Cotton BP, Zagaria AB, Bao Y, Greenberg RL, Fortuna KL, Bruce ML.  2017.  Hospitalization Risk and Potentially Inappropriate Medications among Medicare Home Health Nursing Patients.. J Gen Intern Med. 32(12):1301-1308.
Demarest ST, Shellhaas RA, Gaillard WD, Keator C, Nickels KC, Hussain SA, Loddenkemper T, Patel AD, Saneto RP, Wirrell E et al..  2017.  The impact of hypsarrhythmia on infantile spasms treatment response: Observational cohort study from the National Infantile Spasms Consortium.. Epilepsia. 58(12):2098-2103.
Stryckman B, Walsh L, Carr BG, Hupert N, Lurie N.  2017.  Impact of Superstorm Sandy on Medicare Patients' Utilization of Hospitals and Emergency Departments.. West J Emerg Med. 18(6):1035-1041.