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Hildick-Smith GJ, Pesko MF, Shearer L, Hughes JM, Chang J, Loughlin GM, Ipp LS.  2015.  A Practitioner's Guide to Electronic Cigarettes in the Adolescent Population.. J Adolesc Health. 57(6):574-9.
Bao Y, Eggman AA, Richardson JE, Sheeran TF, Bruce ML.  2015.  Practices of Depression Care in Home Health Care: Home Health Clinician Perspectives.. Psychiatr Serv. 66(12):1365-8.
DeLia D, Tong J, Gaboda D, Casalino LP.  2014.  Post-discharge follow-up visits and hospital utilization by Medicare patients, 2007-2010.. Medicare Medicaid Res Rev. 4(2)
Press MJ, Gerber LM, Peng TR, Pesko MF, Feldman PH, Ouchida K, Sridharan S, Bao Y, Barron Y, Casalino LP.  2015.  Post-Discharge Communication Between Home Health Nurses and Physicians: Measurement, Quality, and Outcomes.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(7):1299-305.
Gupta A, Kesavabhotla K, Baradaran H, Kamel H, Pandya A, Giambrone AE, Wright D, Pain KJ, Mtui EE, Suri JS et al..  2015.  Plaque echolucency and stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Stroke. 46(1):91-7.
Richardson JE, Kern LM, Silver M, Jung H-Y, Kaushal R.  2016.  Physician Satisfaction in Practices That Transformed Into Patient-Centered Medical Homes: A Statewide Study in New York.. Am J Med Qual. 31(4):331-6.
Shortell SM, McClellan SR, Ramsay PP, Casalino LP, Ryan AM, Copeland KR.  2014.  Physician practice participation in accountable care organizations: the emergence of the unicorn.. Health Serv Res. 49(5):1519-36.
Jung H-Y, Unruh MAaron, Vest JR, Casalino LP, Kern LM, Grinspan ZM, Bao Y, Kaushal R.  2017.  Physician Participation in Meaningful Use and Quality of Care for Medicare Fee-for-Service Enrollees.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 65(3):608-613.
Casalino LP, Pesko MF, Ryan AM, Nyweide DJ, Iwashyna TJ, Sun X, Mendelsohn J, Moody J.  2015.  Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions.. Med Care. 53(6):534-41.
Chaabane S, Chaabna K, Abraham A, Mamtani R, Cheema S.  2020.  Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the Middle East and North Africa: An overview of systematic reviews and meta-analysis.. Sci Rep. 10(1):9363.
Beltran H, Oromendia C, Danila DC, Montgomery B, Hoimes C, Szmulewitz RZ, Vaishampayan U, Armstrong AJ, Stein M, Pinski J et al..  2019.  A Phase II Trial of the Aurora Kinase A Inhibitor Alisertib for Patients with Castration-resistant and Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer: Efficacy and Biomarkers.. Clin Cancer Res. 25(1):43-51.
Martin P, Ruan J, Furman R, Rutherford S, Allan J, Chen Z, Huang X, DiLiberto M, Chen-Kiang S, Leonard JP.  2019.  A phase I trial of palbociclib plus bortezomib in previously treated mantle cell lymphoma.. Leuk Lymphoma. :1-5.
Batra JS, Niaz MJunaid, Whang YE, Sheikh A, Thomas C, Christos P, Vallabhajosula S, Jhanwar YS, Molina AM, Nanus DM et al..  2020.  Phase I trial of docetaxel plus lutetium-177-labeled anti-prostate-specific membrane antigen monoclonal antibody J591 (Lu-J591) for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.. Urol Oncol.
Tagawa ST, Vallabhajosula S, Christos PJ, Jhanwar YS, Batra JS, Lam L, Osborne J, Beltran H, Molina AM, Goldsmith SJ et al..  2019.  Phase 1/2 study of fractionated dose lutetium-177-labeled anti-prostate-specific membrane antigen monoclonal antibody J591 ( Lu-J591) for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.. Cancer. 125(15):2561-2569.
Martin P, Bartlett NL, Blum KA, Park S, Maddocks K, Ruan J, Ridling LA, Dittus C, Chen Z, Huang X et al..  2019.  A phase 1 trial of ibrutinib plus palbociclib in previously treated mantle cell lymphoma.. Blood. 133(11):1201-1204.
Pesko MF, Xu X, Tynan MA, Gerzoff RB, Malarcher AM, Pechacek TF.  2014.  Per-pack price reductions available from different cigarette purchasing strategies: United States, 2009-2010.. Prev Med. 63:13-9.
Mullangi S, Bhandari R, Thanaporn P, Christensen M, Kronick S, Nallamothu BK.  2020.  Perceptions of resuscitation care among in-hospital cardiac arrest responders: a qualitative analysis.. BMC Health Serv Res. 20(1):145.
Meinhofer A.  2020.  Pediatric Implications of Opioid-Specific Parental Drug Use-Reply.. JAMA Pediatr.
Hearld LR, Alexander JA, Shi Y, Casalino LP.  2014.  Pay-for-performance and public reporting program participation and administrative challenges among small- and medium-sized physician practices.. Med Care Res Rev. 71(3):299-312.
Kern LM, Grinspan Z, Shapiro JS, Kaushal R.  2017.  Patients' Use of Multiple Hospitals in a Major US City: Implications for Population Management.. Popul Health Manag. 20(2):99-102.
Khullar D, Wolfson D, Casalino LP.  2019.  Patient-Centered Performance Metrics-Reply.. JAMA. 321(18):1829-1830.
Vest JR, Kern LM, Jung H-Y, Ancker JS, Richardson JE, Silver MD, Kaushal R.  2015.  Patient-centered medical homes: observable types derived from national recognition assessment scores.. J Ambul Care Manage. 38(2):144-52.
McHugh M, Shi Y, Ramsay PP, Harvey JB, Casalino LP, Shortell SM, Alexander JA.  2016.  Patient-Centered Medical Home Adoption: Results From Aligning Forces For Quality.. Health Aff (Millwood). 35(1):141-9.
Bao Y, Fan G, Zou D, Wang T, Xue D.  2017.  Patient experience with outpatient encounters at public hospitals in Shanghai: Examining different aspects of physician services and implications of overcrowding.. PLoS One. 12(2):e0171684.
Cea ME, M Reid C, Inturrisi C, Witkin LR, Prigerson HG, Bao Y.  2016.  Pain Assessment, Management, and Control Among Patients 65 Years or Older Receiving Hospice Care in the U.S.. J Pain Symptom Manage. 52(5):663-672.