Onboarding New Team Members

Onboarding Checklist

  • Review this page: Reach out to your supervisor or administrative contact (Awista Hamid) with any questions.
  • Attend orientation(s): Depending on your role, you may need to have a variety of potential orientations / introductory meetings. Check with your supervisor.
    •  PHS orientation
    • Weill Cornell orientation (HR)
  • Create your online identity: Be sure to set up your online Weill Cornell identity (CWID).
    • You should receive an email with instructions. More information available here.
    • Install / set up the Duo Security app, which provides two-factor authentication.
  • Get your security badge (once back on-site)
    • Go to the security office at 523 East 70th Street between 7:00am and 5:00pm, M-F.
    • Email Awista to confirm you have building access provisioned to your card.
  • Get your devices tagged by ITS
    • Make an appointment to get your work computer and personal cellphone “tagged” by ITS. This process will ensure you can easily access the full suit of Weill Cornell online resources. This is particularly important for your work computer; by tagging your phone, you’ll be able to use non-guest wifi. Computer tagging will require a requisition from your admin contact (Awista Hamid).
  • Tools: Make sure you have installed / set up the following tools. It may be helpful to have these tools on both work and personal computers. Most of the tools are available via the ITS software library.
  • Meetings: Make sure to get the following meetings on your calendar.
    • Project Meetings: Contact your supervisor
  • Seminars: There are a variety of seminars in the department / division that you may be interested in attending and should get on your calendar. You should automatically be added to relevant email lists; contact Awista to confirm.
    • PHS Research Seminar
    • PHS Grand Rounds
  • Training: Complete the training modules and disclosure forms required by Weill Cornell Medical College by logging into the Weill Cornell Business Gateway or Research Gateway (via myApps) and clicking the relevant link on the left-hand pane.
    • Fire / safety
    • Conflicts of interest survey
    • HIPAA training
    • CITI training

About the Department

Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC or Weill Cornell Medicine) is the medical school of Cornell University (formally, the Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University). There are six divisions within PHS.

The PHS chair is Dr. Rainu Kaushal.

The full departmental directory is here



All general workplace policies are stipulated by Human Resources. More information can be found here.

Data Security

It is of paramount importance that we adhere to strict data security protocols. All data access and analysis must adhere to the stipulations of any relevant DUAs, IRBS, and Weill Cornell policies. In general, this means that almost all analyses and data storage should occur within the confines of the Data Core secure computing environment.


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Population Health Sciences 575 Lexington Avenue | 425 E. 61st Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY Phone: (646) 962-8001