This division pursues comparative effectiveness and outcomes research related to medications, medical devices, procedures and healthcare delivery interventions. Faculty and staff in the division have advanced training in health services research, pharmacoepidemiology, and decision science methods. The division team works collaboratively with clinical researchers who have expertise in a variety of medical and surgical specialties.
Examples of areas of faculty research include comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventing, diagnosing and treating chronic and acute infectious diseases; cardiovascular medical device safety monitoring and evidence synthesis; evaluation of total joint replacement outcomes using registry and administrative data; pharmacoepidemiology and comparative effectiveness of diabetes medications; and comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments for substance use disorder.
Affiliated Programs
Patient Centered Comparative Outcomes Research
The program initiates, conducts and collaborates on outcomes research and quality of care research within the interventional medicine and device context. The program utilizes the hospital and network for these studies in order to generate new knowledge about medical technologies and clinical strategies and to improve the quality and efficiency of care. The program has access to a number of datasets such as Medicare, New York State comprehensive discharge data, SEER-Medicare data for various cancer interventions, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program data as well as international registry data for various interventional procedures. Currently, there are six clinical departments actively engaged in research with over 100 manuscripts published in the last 5 years.
- Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery program
- Department of Vascular Surgery program
- Department of Urology program
- Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery program
- Department of Neurosurgery program
- Department of Radiology
Separately, the program has worked with outside collaborators on interventional outcomes research with outside collaborators which has resulted in over 55 publications in the past five years.
For selected device specific publications, please visit the MDEpiNet Claims Based Research Initiative page.
Collaborating with Manufacturers: In the past two years we have also established productive partnerships with both J&J and Medtronic Inc. There is on-going discussion with ‘Titan Spine’ and ‘ABIOMED’ to establish collaborations.
Other collaborating partners interested in devices: The Center for Advanced Digestive Care at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Centeris one of the nation's leading multidisciplinary centers for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. The Center’s mission is to provide optimal patient care for all aspects of digestive disease in one convenient and comprehensive environment. The Center is very interested in supporting and advancing the outcomes research.
The Minimally Invasive New Technologies Program (MINT) is an innovative collaboration between New York-Presbyterian Hospital and the Weill Cornell Medical College. Through the MINT program, clinicians and engineers develop technologies that advance minimally invasive surgery at New York-Presbyterian and beyond. The center requires support for outcomes research and understanding the regulatory and payer environment for devices in the USA and internationally.