Research & Collaboration

The primary mission of the Department of Population Health Sciences is to conduct research and evaluations related to key healthcare policy and delivery topics, developing and spreading critical evidence to improve the health of populations. Our faculty members have substantial research strengths across various areas, including healthcare policy and economics, data analytics and informatics, epidemiology, and health outcomes. Their innovative, quantitative, and qualitative research addresses the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and comparative effectiveness of various healthcare interventions and delivery models.



The Division supports design and analysis of clinical and translational research at the medical college and serves as an academic home for biostatistics and epidemiology.

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Comparative Effectiveness & Outcomes Research

This Division pursues comparative effectiveness and outcomes research related to medications, medical devices, procedures and healthcare delivery interventions.

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The Division uses epidemiologic methods to study disease etiology in human populations.

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Health Informatics

This Division develops novel informatics and health IT methods and tools, and studies their application in the intelligent use of healthcare data to inform policy and decision making.

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Health Policy & Economics

This Division focuses on organization, payment methods and processes used to improve the U.S. healthcare system and medical care.

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Healthcare Delivery Science & Innovation

The Division of Healthcare Delivery Science and Innovation will enhance the health system at the micro level to improve care in the real world. This division will focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of patient-centered clinical innovations.

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Cornell Institute for Disease & Disaster Preparedness

The Cornell Institute for Disease & Disaster Preparedness staff have helped pioneer quantitative public health planning following 9/11, leveraging affiliated scientific disciplines such as operations research to gather information for policies that are now integral to health protection strategies in the U.S. and abroad.

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Institute for Health Technologies & Interventions

The Institute for Health Technologies and Interventions initiates, conducts and collaborates on outcomes research and quality of care research within the interventional medicine and device context. The institute utilizes the Weill Cornell and NYP hospital network for these studies in order to generate new knowledge about medical technologies and clinical strategies and to improve the quality and efficiency of care. 

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Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health

The AI Institute for Digital Health brings together experts in computational science and clinical medicine engaging in multi-disciplinary research to advance individualized health and healthcare through artificial intelligence technologies. 

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Research Programs

All of Us Research Program

At the moment, health care is often one-size-fits-all. But imagine a future where prevention, treatment, and care are tailored for YOU. That future starts with research that includes all of us.
How? By creating a resource that allows researchers to conduct thousands of studies on health and disease

Join the All of Us Program

For more information or questions, please contact us:
Weill Cornell Medicine/All of Us Communications Center
Call us: (646) 962-6170
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INSIGHT Clinical Research Network

INSIGHT Clinical Research Network, formerly known as the NYC-CDRN, offers users a large volume of robust, high-quality patient data including clinical, claims and social determinant data, along with support services to improve and streamline research in an effort to advance patient-centered research in New York City. INSIGHT has data on over 22 million patients, with 12 million unique patients eligible for trial enrollment. The project is a unique collaboration of more than 20 medical institutions and organizations. INSIGHT is currently funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).


The Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorders, HCV, and HIV (CHERISH) is a multi-institutional Center of Excellence, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The Center’s mission is to develop and disseminate health economic research on healthcare utilization, health outcomes and health-related behaviors that informs substance use disorder treatment policy and HCV and HIV care of people who use substances. To increase the impact of this research, we support researchers in addressing the needs of integrated healthcare system providers and payers. The Center is a collaboration among Weill Cornell MedicineBoston Medical Center, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.


The Medical Device Epidemiology Network (MDEpiNet) is a global Public-Private Partnership that brings together leadership, expertise and resources from health care professionals, industry, patient groups, payers, academia and government to build a national patient-centered medical device evaluation system to conduct medical device research and surveillance. MDEpiNet’s main activities include:

  1. Conducting studies to better understand how devices perform in the real-world.
  2. Developing methodologies to support the use and creation of real world evidence.
  3. Building strategically Coordinated Registry Networks (CRN) to advance the collection and use of real-world data.
  4. Collaborating with NESTcc to link CRNs with other data partner networks.

 MDEpiNet envisions a future with more efficient medical device studies and greater patient, clinician and public trust in medical devices.

Center for the Study of Physician Practice and Leadership

The Physicians Foundation Center for the Study of Physician Practice and Leadership (CPPL) was founded in 2018 by Weill Cornell Medicine Professor Emeritus Dr. Lawrence Casalino with the goal of bringing about the conditions that best enable physicians and health care organizations to improve the health of individual patients and the U.S. population by providing high-quality, compassionate, cost-effective care.  

The Center conducts empirical research and produces conceptual articles to clarify key issues in medicine, health care, and public policy. Its current efforts focus on the intended and unintended consequences of payment reforms; consolidation and corporatization in American health care; health care disparities and socially vulnerable populations; the growing use of telehealth and artificial intelligence in medicine; and physician professionalism and leadership.

The Center is made possible by a grant from the Physicians Foundation, a non-profit organization that empowers physicians to lead in the delivery of high-quality, cost-efficient health care, and by contributions from Weill Cornell Medicine, one of the top-ranked clinical and medical research centers in the United States. Dr. Dhruv Khullar, practicing physician and Assistant Professor of Population Health Sciences in the Division of Health Policy and Economics, is the Center’s current Director. For more information about CPPL, visit the Center’s website.

Pediatric Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System

Pediatric Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System (PELHS) collects administrative and clinical data entered at the point of care, aggregates and analyzes the data across multiple sites, then regularly reports findings back to sites to continuously improve care. Due to the large number of individuals with epilepsy, the heterogeneity of the epilepsies, and the diversity of advocacy groups for common and rare epilepsies, PELHS offers novel opportunities to the LHS design.  


Reduce seizures and their consequences for children with epilepsy through cycles of health data collection and analysis, dissemination of new evidence and practice change.


All children with epilepsy receive timely and optimal care according to standards that are continuously improved.

PELHS Areas of Improvement

Seizure Control
Increase the percentage of epilepsy visits in which seizure frequency and severity is documented, as well as the percentage of patients who have met their goal for seizure reduction and seizure freedom.
Patient Activation and Quality of Life
Identify aspects of care and outcomes that most influence patient and caregiver sense of well-being and integrate these ideas seamlessly in all our work.
Screening and Treatment of Depression and Anxiety
Develop systems to identify and treat depression and anxiety for all patients in the network.
Patient Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care
Increase the number of people who receive evidence-based management of transition of care.
Counseling on Contraception and Pregnancy
Increase the percent of patients who receive appropriate counseling on contraception and pregnancy planning, ultimately decreasing the percentage of unplanned pregnancies in women with epilepsy and ensuring appropriate care in all pregnant women with epilepsy.
Status Epilepticus
Prevent and terminate status epilepticus by deploying interventions that reduce the time from recognition of seizure to management.

Community Engagement

The PELHS Community Engagement Core offers ways for patients  and families to get involved as partners to advance care and support,  participate on the center improvement teams and provide patient perspective for “co-production.” The Community Engagement Core is built on partnerships with local Epilepsy Foundation and Rare Epilepsy Network organizations for priority-setting, community-based support, wellness and self-management tools.

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Population Health Sciences 575 Lexington Avenue | 425 E. 61st Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY Phone: (646) 962-8001