Founding Director
Fei Wang, PhD
Founding Director
Fei Wang is the Founding Director of the WCM Institute of AI for Digital Health, and a Professor of Health Informatics in Department of Population Health Sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine. His research interests are machine learning and artificial intelligence in biomedicine. Dr. Wang has published on major AI venues including Neurips, ICML, AAAI and KDD, as well as major medical venues including Nature Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine and JAMA Internal Medicine. Dr. Wang is an elected fellow of AMIA, ACMI and IAHSI, and a distinguished member of ACM. Dr. Wang's research has been extensively funded by federal agencies including NIH, NSF and ONR, private foundations including MJFF and ASA, as well as industries such as Amazon, Google, Boerhinger Ingelheim and Sanofi.

Research Team

Faculty Affiliates

Program Manager