The Center for the Study Physician Practice and Leadership (CPPL)
Center Website
The Physicians Foundation Center for the Study of Physician Practice and Leadership (CPPL) was founded in 2018 by Dr. Lawrence Casalino, professor emeritus of population health sciences, with the goal of bringing about the conditions that best enable physicians and health care organizations to improve the health of individual patients and the U.S. population by providing high-quality, compassionate, cost-effective care.
The Center conducts empirical research and produces conceptual articles to clarify key issues in medicine, health care, and public policy. Its current efforts focus on the intended and unintended consequences of payment reforms; consolidation and corporatization in American health care; health care disparities and socially vulnerable populations; the growing use of telehealth and artificial intelligence in medicine; and physician professionalism and leadership.
The Center is made possible by a grant from the Physicians Foundation, a non-profit organization that empowers physicians to lead in the delivery of high-quality, cost-efficient health care, and by contributions from Weill Cornell Medicine, one of the top-ranked clinical and medical research centers in the United States. Dr. Dhruv Khullar, practicing physician and assistant professor of population health sciences, is the Center’s current Director. For more information about CPPL, visit the Center’s website.
Initiative for Health Policy and Aging Research (H-PAR)
Initiative Website Coming Soon
The mission of the Initiative for Health Policy and Aging Research (H-PAR) is to conduct research and policy analysis to promote the health and well-being of older adults. This includes studying the organization of health care providers, policy and delivery transformation, and health equity. Research conducted through the Initiative provides insights that benefit patients, health care providers, public and private payers, policymakers, and regulators. H-PAR research includes studies of ownership arrangements and the way clinical care is organized and delivered in post-acute and long-term care settings, physician response to increases and decreases in reimbursements for care provided to dually-eligible beneficiaries participating in Medicare and Medicaid, the provision of mental health services in nursing homes, information sharing across care settings, telehealth use by nursing homes and other providers serving older adults, and trends in the composition of the long-term care workforce. H-PAR involves collaborations across Weill Cornell Medicine and other institutions in the United States and internationally, in addition to serving as a resource for policymakers and regulators seeking expertise in health policy and aging research. As part of these efforts, nationally and internationally renowned experts are invited to participate in the Initiative’s seminar series. Dr. Mark Unruh, associate professor of population health sciences, serves as the director of H-PAR. Members of the initiative have a wide range of expertise in aging research, methodology, and policy dissemination. Funding support for activities conducted through the Initiative includes multiple awards from the National Institutes of Health in addition to a variety of foundations.
Health Economics Financing and Transparency Initiative (HEFTI)
Initiative Website Coming Soon
The Health Economics Financing and Transparency Initiative (HEFTI) will be dedicated to fostering ownership transparency and informed decision-making in healthcare by offering a comprehensive suite of resources for a wide range of users. These resources include ownership, financial, and quality data for all long-term care and physician practice organizations, including those that are publicly traded and private equity owned, in the U.S. HEFTI will also lead learning initiatives, create quarterly reports summarizing mergers and acquisition trends, and disseminate empirical research led by Dr. Robert Tyler Braun, assistant professor of population health sciences, and the HEFTI team. HEFTI will provide accessible, easy-to-understand financial and quality data and resources tailored to a general audience. The datasets will be accessible to researchers, policymakers, and the general audience through easy-to-understand data visualizations.