Guiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor: Findings from an International Working Group.

TitleGuiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor: Findings from an International Working Group.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGrinspan ZM, Eldar YC, Gopher D, Gottlieb A, Lammfromm R, Mangat HS, Peleg N, Pon S, Rozenberg I, Schiff ND, Stark DE, Yan P, Pratt H, Kosofsky BE
JournalAppl Clin Inform
Date Published2016
KeywordsChild, Electroencephalography, Humans, Intensive Care Units, Pediatric, Internationality, Needs Assessment, Neurology, Patient Care Team, Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted, Surveys and Questionnaires

BACKGROUND: Physicians caring for children with serious acute neurologic disease must process overwhelming amounts of physiological and medical information. Strategies to optimize real time display of this information are understudied.

OBJECTIVES: Our goal was to engage clinical and engineering experts to develop guiding principles for creating a pediatric neurology intensive care unit (neuroPICU) monitor that integrates and displays data from multiple sources in an intuitive and informative manner.

METHODS: To accomplish this goal, an international group of physicians and engineers communicated regularly for one year. We integrated findings from clinical observations, interviews, a survey, signal processing, and visualization exercises to develop a concept for a neuroPICU display.

RESULTS: Key conclusions from our efforts include: (1) A neuroPICU display should support (a) rapid review of retrospective time series (i.e. cardiac, pulmonary, and neurologic physiology data), (b) rapidly modifiable formats for viewing that data according to the specialty of the reviewer, and (c) communication of the degree of risk of clinical decline. (2) Specialized visualizations of physiologic parameters can highlight abnormalities in multivariable temporal data. Examples include 3-D stacked spider plots and color coded time series plots. (3) Visual summaries of EEG with spectral tools (i.e. hemispheric asymmetry and median power) can highlight seizures via patient-specific "fingerprints." (4) Intuitive displays should emphasize subsets of physiology and processed EEG data to provide a rapid gestalt of the current status and medical stability of a patient.

CONCLUSIONS: A well-designed neuroPICU display must present multiple datasets in dynamic, flexible, and informative views to accommodate clinicians from multiple disciplines in a variety of clinical scenarios.

Alternate JournalAppl Clin Inform
PubMed ID27437048
PubMed Central IDPMC4941847
Grant ListK12 NS066274 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
Faculty Publication