Dr. Lawrence Casalino: John A. Benson Jr., MD Professionalism Article Prize

Dr. Lawrence Casalino's journal article "Physician Satisfaction and Physician Well-Being: Should Anyone Care," was awarded the John A. Benson Jr., MD Professionalism Article Prize from the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation on April 19. 

Dr. Casalino is the chief of the Division of Health Policy and Economics, the Livingston Farrand Professor of Public Health and a professor of healthcare policy and research.

The prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the growing body of peer-reviewed journal articles that document the effect of medical professionalism on improving healthcare. The foundation honored Dr. Casalino's article published in February in Professions & Professionalism, which analyzed relationships between physician satisfaction, physician wellbeing and quality of care, and created a model of the potential consequences of physician dissatisfaction.

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