Physician Satisfaction in Practices That Transformed Into Patient-Centered Medical Homes: A Statewide Study in New York.

TitlePhysician Satisfaction in Practices That Transformed Into Patient-Centered Medical Homes: A Statewide Study in New York.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsRichardson JE, Kern LM, Silver M, Jung H-Y, Kaushal R
Corporate AuthorsHITEC Investigators
JournalAm J Med Qual
Date Published2016 07
KeywordsAdult, Attitude of Health Personnel, Female, Humans, Job Satisfaction, Male, Middle Aged, New York, Patient-Centered Care, Physicians, Private Practice, Quality of Health Care

Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) transformation can significantly affect physicians' job satisfaction, which in turn can affect the quality of patient care. Between November 2012 and March 2013, the study team surveyed 159 community-based physicians in 159 practice sites that had experienced PCMH practice transformations in New York State. Of the 159 physicians, 121 responded (77% response rate) to the online survey. Nearly two thirds (60%) of physicians reported being somewhat or very satisfied overall with their practice after PCMH transformation. Overall satisfaction was lower than satisfaction with specific domains of practice: patient-centered care (82%), coordination of care (81%), access to care (79%), efficiency (76%), organizational culture (69%), and quality (69%). Although the physicians were moderately satisfied with care quality in their practices after PCMH transformation, their overall satisfaction was notably lower. The findings reveal a need to identify factors beyond quality for measuring physician satisfaction in PCMH transformed practices.

Alternate JournalAm J Med Qual
PubMed ID25877964
PubMed Central IDPMC4720572
Grant ListT32 AG023482 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
Faculty Publication