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Morgan JR, Schackman BR, Weinstein ZM, Walley AY, Linas BP.  2019.  Overdose following initiation of naltrexone and buprenorphine medication treatment for opioid use disorder in a United States commercially insured cohort.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 200:34-39.
Glass HC, Grinspan ZM, Shellhaas RA.  2018.  Outcomes after acute symptomatic seizures in neonates.. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 23(3):218-222.
Feng Z, Jung H-Y, Wright B, Mor V.  2014.  The origin and disposition of Medicare observation stays.. Med Care. 52(9):796-800.
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Hupert N, Biala K, Holland T, Baehr A, Hasan A, Harvey M.  2015.  Optimizing Health Care Coalitions: Conceptual Frameworks and a Research Agenda.. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 9(6):717-23.
Aviki EM, Schleicher SM, Mullangi S.  2019.  The Oncology Care Model and Other Value-Based Payment Models in Cancer Care.. JAMA Oncol. 5(3):298-299.
Doraiswamy S, Cheema S, Mamtani R.  2020.  Older people and epidemics: a call for empathy.. Age Ageing. 49(3):493.
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Unruh MAaron, Yun H, Zhang Y, Braun RT, Jung H-Y.  2020.  Nursing Home Characteristics Associated With COVID-19 Deaths in Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York.. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 21(7):1001-1003.
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Ghosh AK, Jung HY, Ibrahim SA, Unruh MA.  2019.  National Trends in 30-Day Re-hospitalization Rates of Skilled Nursing Facilities with Disproportionate Shares of Racial Minorities and Dual Eligibles . Journal of General Internal Medicine .