US Physician Practices Spend More Than $15.4 Billion Annually To Report Quality Measures.

TitleUS Physician Practices Spend More Than $15.4 Billion Annually To Report Quality Measures.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsCasalino LP, Gans D, Weber R, Cea M, Tuchovsky A, Bishop TF, Miranda Y, Frankel BA, Ziehler KB, Wong MM, Evenson TB
JournalHealth Aff (Millwood)
Date Published2016 Mar
KeywordsDatabases, Factual, Female, Health Care Costs, Humans, Male, Medicine, Needs Assessment, Practice Patterns, Physicians', Quality of Health Care, Research Design, Retrospective Studies, Surveys and Questionnaires, United States

Each year US physician practices in four common specialties spend, on average, 785 hours per physician and more than $15.4 billion dealing with the reporting of quality measures. While much is to be gained from quality measurement, the current system is unnecessarily costly, and greater effort is needed to standardize measures and make them easier to report.

Alternate JournalHealth Aff (Millwood)
PubMed ID26953292
Grant ListK23 AG043499 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
Faculty Publication