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Lin M, Liu L, Gorden M, Kass M, Van Tassel S, Wang F, Peng Y.  2022.  Multi-scale Multi-structure Siamese Network (MMSNet) for Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Prediction.. Mach Learn Med Imaging. 13583:436-445.
Kline A, Wang H, Li Y, Dennis S, Hutch M, Xu Z, Wang F, Cheng F, Luo Y.  2022.  Multimodal machine learning in precision health: A scoping review.. NPJ Digit Med. 5(1):171.
Khullar D, Chokshi DA.  2020.  Moving to Action on Place-Based Health.. JAMA. 323(8):698-699.
Caceres BA, Hickey KT, Bakken SB, Biviano AB, Garan H, Goldenthal IL, Koleck TA, Masterson-Creber R, Turchioe MReading, Jia H.  2020.  Mobile Electrocardiogram Monitoring and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: Findings From the iPhone Helping Evaluate Atrial Fibrillation Rhythm Through Technology (iHEART) Study.. J Cardiovasc Nurs.
Ding T, Song T, Zhou B, Geber A, Ma Y, Zhang L, Volk M, Kapadia SN, Jenkins SG, Salvatore M et al..  2019.  Microbial Composition of the Human Nasopharynx Varies According to Influenza Virus Type and Vaccination Status.. MBio. 10(4)
Kerrissey MJ, Clark JR, Friedberg MW, Jiang W, Fryer AK, Frean M, Shortell SM, Ramsay PP, Casalino LP, Singer SJ.  2017.  Medical Group Structural Integration May Not Ensure That Care Is Integrated, From The Patient's Perspective.. Health Aff (Millwood). 36(5):885-892.
Grinspan ZM, Bao Y, Edwards A, Johnson P, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2017.  Medicaid Stage 1 Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Payments Are Associated With Higher Quality but Not Improvements in Quality.. Am J Med Qual. 32(5):485-493.
Grinspan ZM, Bao Y, Edwards A, Johnson P, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2017.  Medicaid Stage 1 Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Payments Are Associated With Higher Quality but Not Improvements in Quality.. Am J Med Qual. 32(5):485-493.
Unruh MA, Jung H-Y, Vest JR, Casalino LP, Kaushal R.  2017.  Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records by Outpatient Physicians and Readmissions of Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries.. Med Care. 55(5):493-499.
Grinspan ZM, Mytinger JR, Baumer FM, Ciliberto MA, Cohen BH, Dlugos DJ, Harini C, Hussain SA, Joshi SM, Keator CG et al..  2020.  Management of Infantile Spasms During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. J Child Neurol. :883073820933739.
Grinspan ZM, Mytinger JR, Baumer FM, Ciliberto MA, Cohen BH, Dlugos DJ, Harini C, Hussain SA, Joshi SM, Keator CG et al..  2020.  Management of Infantile Spasms During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. J Child Neurol. :883073820933739.
Mehta B, Goodman S, DiCarlo E, Jannat-Khah D, J Gibbons AB, Otero M, Donlin L, Pannellini T, Robinson WH, Sculco P et al..  2023.  Machine learning identification of thresholds to discriminate osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis synovial inflammation.. Arthritis Res Ther. 25(1):31.