Population Health Sciences

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Ullmann TM, Gray KD, Stefanova D, Limberg J, Buicko JL, Finnerty B, Zarnegar R, Fahey TJ, Beninato T.  2019.  The 2015 American Thyroid Association guidelines are associated with an increasing rate of hemithyroidectomy for thyroid cancer.. Surgery.
Casalino LP, Erb N, Joshi MS, Shortell SM.  2015.  Accountable Care Organizations and Population Health Organizations.. J Health Polit Policy Law. 40(4):821-37.
Awamlh BAl Hussein, Ma X, Christos P, Hu JC, Shoag JE.  2019.  Active Surveillance for Black Men with Low-Risk Prostate Cancer in the United States.. N Engl J Med. 381(26):2581-2582.
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Pesko MF, Robarts AMT.  2017.  Adolescent Tobacco Use in Urban Versus Rural Areas of the United States: The Influence of Tobacco Control Policy Environments.. J Adolesc Health. 61(1):70-76.
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Khullar D, Frakt AB, Burke LG.  2019.  Advancing the Academic Medical Center Value Debate: Are Teaching Hospitals Worth It? JAMA. 322(3):205-206.
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Szablewski CM, Hendricks K, Bower WA, Shadomy SV, Hupert N.  2017.  Anthrax Cases Associated with Animal-Hair Shaving Brushes.. Emerg Infect Dis. 23(5):806-808.
Bao Y, Shao H, Bruce ML, Press MJ.  2015.  Antidepressant Medication Management Among Older Patients Receiving Home Health Care.. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 23(10):999-1006.
Brendel M, Su C, Bai Z, Zhang H, Elemento O, Wang F.  2022.  Application of Deep Learning on Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis: A Review.. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 20(5):814-835.
Killeen RP, Gupta A, Delaney H, Johnson CE, Tsiouris AJ, Comunale J, Fink ME, Mangat HS, Segal AZ, Mushlin AI et al..  2014.  Appropriate use of CT perfusion following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a Bayesian analysis approach.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 35(3):459-65.
Mehta B, Ho K, Ling V, Goodman S, Parks M, Ravi B, Banerjee S, Wang F, Ibrahim S, Cram P.  2022.  Are Income-based Differences in TKA Use and Outcomes Reduced in a Single-payer System? A Large-database Comparison of the United States and Canada. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 480(9):1636-1645.
Wang F, Casalino LPeter, Khullar D.  2019.  Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Medical Prediction Should Be Nonproprietary and Readily Available-Reply.. JAMA Intern Med. 179(5):731-732.
Xu Z, Su C, Xiao Y, Wang F.  2022.  Artificial intelligence for COVID-19: battling the pandemic with computational intelligence.. Intell Med. 2(1):13-29.
Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Sholle E, Abedian S, Sharko M, Turchioe MReading, Wu Y, Ancker JS.  2020.  Assessing the impact of social determinants of health on predictive models for potentially avoidable 30-day readmission or death.. PLoS One. 15(6):e0235064.
Borden WB, Marier AF, Dennison TH, Freund DA, Cook K, Mushlin AI.  2014.  Assessing variation in utilization for acute myocardial infarction in New York State.. Healthc (Amst). 2(3):196-200.
Bruno AM, Zang C, Xu Z, Wang F, Weiner MG, Guthe N, Fitzgerald M, Kaushal R, Carton TW, Metz TD.  2024.  Association between acquiring SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: RECOVER electronic health record cohort analysis.. EClinicalMedicine. 73:102654.
Min JY, Simmons W, Banerjee S, Wang F, Williams N, Zhang Y, Reese AB, Mushlin AI, Flory JH.  2022.  Association between antidiabetic drug use and the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization in the INSIGHT Clinical Research Network in New York City.. Diabetes Obes Metab. 24(7):1402-1405.
Ryskina KL, Lam C, Jung H-Y.  2019.  Association Between Clinician Specialization in Nursing Home Care and Nursing Home Clinical Quality Scores.. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 20(8):1007-1012.e2.
Goyal P, Bryan J, Kneifati-Hayek J, Sterling MR, Banerjee S, Maurer MS, Lachs MS, Safford MM.  2019.  Association Between Functional Impairment and Medication Burden in Adults with Heart Failure.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 67(2):284-291.
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