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Mark TL, Meinhofer A, Zarkin GA.  2019.  Receipt of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Among Patients Visiting Psychiatrists.. J Addict Med. 13(3):248-249.
Shi Y, Liang D, Bao Y, An R, Wallace MS, Grant I.  2019.  Recreational marijuana legalization and prescription opioids received by Medicaid enrollees.. Drug Alcohol Depend. 194:13-19.
Tran B, Sedrakyan A, Flynn P, Altorki N, Jorm L, Wright G.  2019.  Reintervention and Survival After Limited Lung Resection for Lung Cancer Treatment in Australia.. Ann Thorac Surg. 107(5):1507-1514.
Kamel H, Okin PM, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Campion TR, Devereux RB, Díaz I, Weinsaft JW, Kim J.  2019.  Relationship between left atrial volume and ischemic stroke subtype.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 6(8):1480-1486.
Behrendt C-A, Kölbel T, Debus ESebastian, Rieß HChristian, Sedrakyan A.  2019.  Reply.. J Vasc Surg. 69(4):1328.
Rosenkranz KM, Ballman K, McCall L, Kubicky CDai, Cuttino L, Le-Petross H, Hunt K, Giuliano A, Van Zee K, Haffty B et al..  2019.  Reply to "Can Patients with Multiple Breast Cancers in the Same Breast Avoid Mastectomy by Having Multiple Lumpectomies to Achieve Equivalent Rates of Local Breast Cancer Recurrence? Response to the Preliminary Alliance 11102 Trial Report". Ann Surg Oncol. 26(2):702.
Kim M-H, Chang J, Kim WJunsuk, Banerjee S, Park SMin.  2019.  Response to He et al.. Am J Gastroenterol. 114(3):533-534.
Da Cunha RJ, MacMahon A, Jones MT, Savenkov A, Deland J, Roberts M, Levine D, Elliot A, Kennedy J, Drakos M et al..  2019.  Return to Sports and Physical Activities After First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis in Young Patients.. Foot Ankle Int. 40(7):745-752.
Venkatesan T, Levinthal DJ, Li BUK, Tarbell SE, Adams KA, Issenman RM, Sarosiek I, Jaradeh SS, Sharaf RN, Sultan S et al..  2019.  Role of chronic cannabis use: Cyclic vomiting syndrome vs cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 31 Suppl 2:e13606.
Perumalswami CR, Mullangi S, Jagsi R.  2019.  The Role of Medicare Reimbursement in Determining Access to Palliative Radiotherapy During Hospice Care.. JAMA Oncol.
Li J, Zhang Y, Shen Y, Yao J, Grinspan Z.  2019.  Selection or education? Medical school ranking and medical students' speciality choice preferences in the United States. Educ Prim Care. :1-10.
Ezeomah C, Adoga A, Ihekweazu C, Paessler S, Cisneros I, Tomori O, Walker D.  2019.  Sequelae of Lassa Fever: Postviral Cerebellar Ataxia.. Open Forum Infect Dis. 6(12):ofz512.
Mao J, Guiahi M, Chudnoff S, Pfeifer S, Sedrakyan A.  2019.  Seven-Year Outcomes After Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic Sterilizations.. Obstet Gynecol. 133(2):323-331.
Wang F, Kaushal R, Khullar D.  2019.  Should Health Care Demand Interpretable Artificial Intelligence or Accept "Black Box" Medicine? Ann Intern Med.
Deferio JJ, Breitinger S, Khullar D, Sheth A, Pathak J.  2019.  Social determinants of health in mental health care and research: a case for greater inclusion.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 26(8-9):895-899.
Ying R, Fekadu L, Schackman BR, Verguet S.  2019.  Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of HIV Clusters in Ethiopia.. Trop Med Int Health.
Kapadia SN, Johnston CD, Marks KM, Schackman BR, Martin EG.  2019.  Strategies for Improving Hepatitis C Treatment Access in the United States: State Officials Address High Drug Prices, Stigma, and Building Treatment Capacity.. J Public Health Manag Pract. 25(3):245-252.
Meisel ZF, Mitchell J, Polsky D, Boualam N, McGeoch E, Weiner J, Miclette M, Purtle J, Schackman B, Cannuscio CC.  2019.  Strengthening partnerships between substance use researchers and policy makers to take advantage of a window of opportunity.. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 14(1):12.
Zang X, Krebs E, Wang L, Marshall BDL, Granich R, Schackman BR, Montaner JSG, Nosyk B.  2019.  Structural Design and Data Requirements for Simulation Modelling in HIV/AIDS: A Narrative Review.. Pharmacoeconomics.
McNeely J, Troxel AB, Kunins HV, Shelley D, Lee JD, Walley A, Weinstein ZM, Billings J, Davis NJ, Marcello RKalyanaram et al..  2019.  Study protocol for a pragmatic trial of the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) model for engaging patients in opioid use disorder treatment.. Addict Sci Clin Pract. 14(1):5.
Stiles BM, Mao J, Harrison S, Lee B, Port JL, Altorki NK, Sedrakyan A.  2019.  Sublobar resection for node-negative lung cancer 2-5 cm in size.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.
Turchioe MReading, Myers A, Isaac S, Baik D, Grossman LV, Ancker JS, Creber RMasterson.  2019.  A Systematic Review of Patient-Facing Visualizations of Personal Health Data.. Appl Clin Inform. 10(4):751-770.
Grossman LV, Creber RMMasterso, Ancker JS, Ryan B, Polubriaginof F, Qian M, Alarcon I, Restaino S, Bakken S, Hripcsak G et al..  2019.  Technology Access, Technical Assistance, and Disparities in Inpatient Portal Use.. Appl Clin Inform. 10(1):40-50.
Edwards TL, Giri A, Hellwege JN, Hartmann KE, Stewart EA, Jeff JM, Bray MJ, Pendergrass SA, Torstenson ES, Keaton JM et al..  2019.  A Trans-Ethnic Genome-Wide Association Study of Uterine Fibroids.. Front Genet. 10:511.
Slotwiner DJ, Tarakji KG, Al-Khatib SM, Passman RS, Saxon LA, Peters NS, McCall D, Turakhia MP, Schaeffer J, G Mendenhall S et al..  2019.  Transparent sharing of digital health data: A call to action.. Heart Rhythm. 16(9):e95-e106.