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Found 207 results
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Sanelli PC
Pandya A
Segal AZ
Gupta A
Hurtado-Rua S
Ivanidze J
Kesavabhotla K
Mir D
Mushlin AI
Hunink MGM
. 2014.
Cost-effectiveness of CT angiography and perfusion imaging for delayed cerebral ischemia and vasospasm in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 35(9):1714-20.
Ghomrawi HMK
Alexiades M
Pavlov H
Nam D
Endo Y
Mandl LA
Mushlin AI
. 2014.
Evaluation of two appropriateness criteria for total knee replacement.
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 66(11):1749-53.
Campion TR
Johnson SB
Paxton EW
Mushlin AI
Sedrakyan A
. 2014.
Implementing unique device identification in electronic health record systems: organizational, workflow, and technological challenges.
Med Care. 52(1):26-31.
Pesko MF
Xu X
Tynan MA
Gerzoff RB
Malarcher AM
Pechacek TF
. 2014.
Per-pack price reductions available from different cigarette purchasing strategies: United States, 2009-2010.
Prev Med. 63:13-9.
Pesko MF
Xu X
Tynan MA
Gerzoff RB
Malarcher AM
Pechacek TF
. 2014.
Per-pack price reductions available from different cigarette purchasing strategies: United States, 2009-2010.
Prev Med. 63:13-9.
Casalino LP
Pesko MF
Ryan AM
Mendelsohn JL
Copeland KR
Ramsay PPamela
Sun X
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
. 2014.
Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions.
Health Aff (Millwood). 33(9):1680-8.
Bao Y
Shao H
Bruce ML
Press MJ
. 2015.
Antidepressant Medication Management Among Older Patients Receiving Home Health Care.
Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 23(10):999-1006.
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
Shah MA
M Paulk E
LeBlanc TW
Schneider BJ
Garrido MM
M Reid C
Berlin DA
Adelson KB
et al.
. 2015.
Chemotherapy Use, Performance Status, and Quality of Life at the End of Life.
JAMA Oncol. 1(6):778-84.
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
Shah MA
M Paulk E
LeBlanc TW
Schneider BJ
Garrido MM
M Reid C
Berlin DA
Adelson KB
et al.
. 2015.
Chemotherapy Use, Performance Status, and Quality of Life at the End of Life.
JAMA Oncol. 1(6):778-84.
Gupta A
Mushlin AI
Kamel H
Navi BB
Pandya A
. 2015.
Cost-Effectiveness of Carotid Plaque MR Imaging as a Stroke Risk Stratification Tool in Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis.
Radiology. 277(3):763-72.
Ryan AM
Burgess JF
Pesko MF
Borden WB
Dimick JB
. 2015.
The early effects of Medicare's mandatory hospital pay-for-performance program.
Health Serv Res. 50(1):81-97.
Borden WB
Mushlin AI
Gordon JE
Leiman JM
Pardes H
. 2015.
A new conceptual framework for academic health centers.
Acad Med. 90(5):569-73.
Casalino LP
Pesko MF
Ryan AM
Nyweide DJ
Iwashyna TJ
Sun X
Mendelsohn J
Moody J
. 2015.
Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions.
Med Care. 53(6):534-41.
Gupta A
Kesavabhotla K
Baradaran H
Kamel H
Pandya A
Giambrone AE
Wright D
Pain KJ
Mtui EE
Suri JS
et al.
. 2015.
Plaque echolucency and stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Stroke. 46(1):91-7.
Gupta A
Kesavabhotla K
Baradaran H
Kamel H
Pandya A
Giambrone AE
Wright D
Pain KJ
Mtui EE
Suri JS
et al.
. 2015.
Plaque echolucency and stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Stroke. 46(1):91-7.
Press MJ
Gerber LM
Peng TR
Pesko MF
Feldman PH
Ouchida K
Sridharan S
Bao Y
Barron Y
Casalino LP
. 2015.
Post-Discharge Communication Between Home Health Nurses and Physicians: Measurement, Quality, and Outcomes.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(7):1299-305.
Press MJ
Gerber LM
Peng TR
Pesko MF
Feldman PH
Ouchida K
Sridharan S
Bao Y
Barron Y
Casalino LP
. 2015.
Post-Discharge Communication Between Home Health Nurses and Physicians: Measurement, Quality, and Outcomes.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(7):1299-305.
Press MJ
Gerber LM
Peng TR
Pesko MF
Feldman PH
Ouchida K
Sridharan S
Bao Y
Barron Y
Casalino LP
. 2015.
Post-Discharge Communication Between Home Health Nurses and Physicians: Measurement, Quality, and Outcomes.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(7):1299-305.
Hildick-Smith GJ
Pesko MF
Shearer L
Hughes JM
Chang J
Loughlin GM
Ipp LS
. 2015.
A Practitioner's Guide to Electronic Cigarettes in the Adolescent Population.
J Adolesc Health. 57(6):574-9.
Say P
Stein DM
Ancker JS
Hsieh C-K
Pollak JP
Estrin D
. 2015.
Smartphone Data in Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Do Rheumatologists Want?
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2015:1130-9.
Bishop TF
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
Bao Y
Pincus HA
Shortell SM
. 2016.
Care Management Processes Used Less Often For Depression Than For Other Chronic Conditions In US Primary Care Practices.
Health Aff (Millwood). 35(3):394-400.
Garrido MM
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
Maciejewski PK
. 2016.
Chemotherapy Use in the Months Before Death and Estimated Costs of Care in the Last Week of Life.
J Pain Symptom Manage. 51(5):875-881.e2.
Dube SR
Pesko MF
Xu X
. 2016.
A Cross-sectional Examination of What Smokers Perceive to be Important and Their Willingness to Pay for Tobacco Cessation Medications.
J Public Health Manag Pract. 22(1):48-56.
Pesko MF
Kenkel DS
Wang H
Hughes JM
. 2016.
The effect of potential electronic nicotine delivery system regulations on nicotine product selection.
Addiction. 111(4):734-44.
Hafeez B
Paolicchi J
Pon S
Howell JD
Grinspan ZM
. 2016.
Feasibility of Automatic Extraction of Electronic Health Data to Evaluate a Status Epilepticus Clinical Protocol.
J Child Neurol. 31(6):709-16.
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