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Kern LM, Rajan M, Pincus HA, Casalino LP, Stuard SS.  2019.  Health Care Fragmentation in Medicaid Managed Care vs. Fee-for-Service.. Popul Health Manag.
Veinot TC, Ancker JS, Bakken S.  2019.  Health informatics and health equity: improving our reach and impact.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 26(8-9):689-695.
Sharaf RN, Khullar D, Umscheid CA.  2020.  Health Technology Assessment Centers-an Infrastructure for Health Systems to Translate Evidence into Practice.. J Gen Intern Med. 35(4):1296-1299.
Gross MD, Alshak MN, Shoag JE, Laviana AA, Gorin MA, Sedrakyan A, Hu JC.  2019.  Healthcare Costs of Post-Prostate Biopsy Sepsis.. Urology.
Kern LM, Seirup JK, Casalino LP, Safford MM.  2017.  Healthcare Fragmentation and the Frequency of Radiology and Other Diagnostic Tests: A Cross-Sectional Study.. J Gen Intern Med. 32(2):175-181.
Bingham KS, Whyte EM, Mulsant BH, Rothschild AJ, Rudorfer MV, Marino P, Banerjee S, Butters MA, Alexopoulos GS, Meyers BS et al..  2019.  Health-related quality of life in remitted psychotic depression.. J Affect Disord. 256:373-379.
Kapadia SN, Johnson P, Schackman BR, Bao Y.  2019.  Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake by New Prescribers After the Introduction of Direct Acting Antivirals.. J Gen Intern Med.
Gomez-Arteaga A, Mark TM, Guarneri D, Christos PJ, Gergis U, Greenberg JD, Hsu J, Mayer SA, Niesvizky R, Pearse RN et al..  2019.  High-dose bendamustine and melphalan conditioning for autologous stem cell transplantation for patients with multiple myeloma.. Bone Marrow Transplant.
Pesko MF, Gerber LM, Peng TR, Press MJ.  2018.  Home Health Care: Nurse-Physician Communication, Patient Severity, and Hospital Readmission.. Health Serv Res. 53(2):1008-1024.
Grinspan ZM, Shapiro JS, Abramson EL, Jung H-Y, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2015.  Hospital crossover increases utilization for people with epilepsy: a retrospective cohort study.. Epilepsia. 56(1):147-57.
Unruh MAaron, Jung HYoung, Kaushal R, Vest JR.  2018.  Hospital participation in Meaningful Use and racial disparities in readmissions.. Am J Manag Care. 24(1):38-42.
Wright B, Jung H-Y, Feng Z, Mor V.  2014.  Hospital, patient, and local health system characteristics associated with the prevalence and duration of observation care.. Health Serv Res. 49(4):1088-107.
Scali ST, Beck AW, Sedrakyan A, Mao J, Venermo M, Faizer R, Schermerhorn M, Beiles B, Szeberin Z, Eldrup N et al..  2019.  Hospital Volume Association With Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Mortality: Analysis of the International Consortium of Vascular Registries.. Circulation. 140(15):1285-1287.
Lohman MC, Cotton BP, Zagaria AB, Bao Y, Greenberg RL, Fortuna KL, Bruce ML.  2017.  Hospitalization Risk and Potentially Inappropriate Medications among Medicare Home Health Nursing Patients.. J Gen Intern Med. 32(12):1301-1308.
McIntire PJ, Zhong E, Patel A, Khani F, D'Alfonso TM, Chen Z, Shin SJ, Ginter PS.  2019.  Hotspot enumeration of CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes using digital image analysis in triple-negative breast cancer yields consistent results.. Hum Pathol. 85:27-32.
Alfonso D, Cabrera LY, Sidiropoulos C, Wang F, Sarva H.  2022.  How Parkinson's patients in the USA perceive deep brain stimulation in the 21st century: Results of a nationwide survey.. J Clin Neurosci. 95:20-26.