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Found 450 results
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Casalino LP
Bishop TF
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Symbol of health system transformation? Assessing the CMS Innovation Center.
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Finkel ML
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Unconventional natural gas development and human health: thoughts from the United States.
Med J Aust. 203(7):294-6.
Jung H-Y
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Use of Health Information Exchange and Repeat Imaging Costs.
J Am Coll Radiol. 12(12 Pt B):1364-70.
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Mushlin AI
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Appropriate use of CT perfusion following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a Bayesian analysis approach.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 35(3):459-65.
Borden WB
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Mushlin AI
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Assessing variation in utilization for acute myocardial infarction in New York State.
Healthc (Amst). 2(3):196-200.
Flory JH
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Cassano PA
Brillon DJ
Mushlin AI
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Comparative effectiveness of oral diabetes drug combinations in reducing glycosylated hemoglobin.
J Comp Eff Res. 3(1):29-39.
Sanelli PC
Pandya A
Segal AZ
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Kesavabhotla K
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Mushlin AI
Hunink MGM
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Cost-effectiveness of CT angiography and perfusion imaging for delayed cerebral ischemia and vasospasm in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 35(9):1714-20.
Boas SJ
Bishop TF
Ryan AM
Shih SC
Casalino LP
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Electronic health records and technical assistance to improve quality of primary care: Lessons for regional extension centers.
Healthc (Amst). 2(2):103-6.
Shonkoff SBC
Hays J
Finkel ML
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Environmental public health dimensions of shale and tight gas development.
Environ Health Perspect. 122(8):787-95.
Ghomrawi HMK
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Mushlin AI
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Evaluation of two appropriateness criteria for total knee replacement.
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 66(11):1749-53.
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Jung H-Y
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Hospital, patient, and local health system characteristics associated with the prevalence and duration of observation care.
Health Serv Res. 49(4):1088-107.
Campion TR
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Implementing unique device identification in electronic health record systems: organizational, workflow, and technological challenges.
Med Care. 52(1):26-31.
Noble DJ
Greenhalgh T
Casalino LP
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Improving population health one person at a time? Accountable care organisations: perceptions of population health--a qualitative interview study.
BMJ Open. 4(4):e004665.
Ryan AM
McCullough CM
Shih SC
Wang JJ
Ryan MS
Casalino LP
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The intended and unintended consequences of quality improvement interventions for small practices in a community-based electronic health record implementation project.
Med Care. 52(9):826-32.
Bao Y
Eggman AA
Richardson JE
Bruce ML
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Misalignment between medicare policies and depression care in home health care: home health provider perspectives.
Psychiatr Serv. 65(7):905-10.
Feng Z
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The origin and disposition of Medicare observation stays.
Med Care. 52(9):796-800.
Hearld LR
Alexander JA
Shi Y
Casalino LP
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Pay-for-performance and public reporting program participation and administrative challenges among small- and medium-sized physician practices.
Med Care Res Rev. 71(3):299-312.
Pesko MF
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Per-pack price reductions available from different cigarette purchasing strategies: United States, 2009-2010.
Prev Med. 63:13-9.
Shortell SM
McClellan SR
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
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Copeland KR
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Physician practice participation in accountable care organizations: the emergence of the unicorn.
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Post-discharge follow-up visits and hospital utilization by Medicare patients, 2007-2010.
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Christos PJ
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Prevention of type II diabetes mellitus in Qatar: Who is at risk?
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Law A
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Public Health England's draft report on shale gas extraction.
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de Melo-Martín I
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The role of ethics in shale gas policies.
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Casalino LP
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Mendelsohn JL
Copeland KR
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Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions.
Health Aff (Millwood). 33(9):1680-8.
Dichter JR
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System-level planning, coordination, and communication: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement.
Chest. 146(4 Suppl):e87S-e102S.
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