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Found 174 results
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Boas SJ
Bishop TF
Ryan AM
Shih SC
Casalino LP
. 2014.
Electronic health records and technical assistance to improve quality of primary care: Lessons for regional extension centers.
Healthc (Amst). 2(2):103-6.
Ryan AM
McCullough CM
Shih SC
Wang JJ
Ryan MS
Casalino LP
. 2014.
The intended and unintended consequences of quality improvement interventions for small practices in a community-based electronic health record implementation project.
Med Care. 52(9):826-32.
Ryan AM
McCullough CM
Shih SC
Wang JJ
Ryan MS
Casalino LP
. 2014.
The intended and unintended consequences of quality improvement interventions for small practices in a community-based electronic health record implementation project.
Med Care. 52(9):826-32.
Bao Y
Eggman AA
Richardson JE
Bruce ML
. 2014.
Misalignment between medicare policies and depression care in home health care: home health provider perspectives.
Psychiatr Serv. 65(7):905-10.
Shortell SM
McClellan SR
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
Ryan AM
Copeland KR
. 2014.
Physician practice participation in accountable care organizations: the emergence of the unicorn.
Health Serv Res. 49(5):1519-36.
Shortell SM
McClellan SR
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
Ryan AM
Copeland KR
. 2014.
Physician practice participation in accountable care organizations: the emergence of the unicorn.
Health Serv Res. 49(5):1519-36.
Casalino LP
Pesko MF
Ryan AM
Mendelsohn JL
Copeland KR
Ramsay PPamela
Sun X
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
. 2014.
Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions.
Health Aff (Millwood). 33(9):1680-8.
Casalino LP
Pesko MF
Ryan AM
Mendelsohn JL
Copeland KR
Ramsay PPamela
Sun X
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
. 2014.
Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions.
Health Aff (Millwood). 33(9):1680-8.
Casalino LP
Pesko MF
Ryan AM
Mendelsohn JL
Copeland KR
Ramsay PPamela
Sun X
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
. 2014.
Small primary care physician practices have low rates of preventable hospital admissions.
Health Aff (Millwood). 33(9):1680-8.
Prigerson HG
Bao Y
Shah MA
M Paulk E
LeBlanc TW
Schneider BJ
Garrido MM
M Reid C
Berlin DA
Adelson KB
et al.
. 2015.
Chemotherapy Use, Performance Status, and Quality of Life at the End of Life.
JAMA Oncol. 1(6):778-84.
Bishop TF
Ryan MSmith
McCullough CM
Shih SC
Casalino LP
Ryan AM
. 2015.
Do provider attitudes about electronic health records predict future electronic health record use?
Healthc (Amst). 3(1):5-11.
Bishop TF
Ryan MSmith
McCullough CM
Shih SC
Casalino LP
Ryan AM
. 2015.
Do provider attitudes about electronic health records predict future electronic health record use?
Healthc (Amst). 3(1):5-11.
Ryan AM
Burgess JF
Pesko MF
Borden WB
Dimick JB
. 2015.
The early effects of Medicare's mandatory hospital pay-for-performance program.
Health Serv Res. 50(1):81-97.
Wiley JA
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
Casalino LP
Ramsay PP
Bibi S
Ryan AM
Copeland KR
Alexander JA
. 2015.
Managing chronic illness: physician practices increased the use of care management and medical home processes.
Health Aff (Millwood). 34(1):78-86.
Wiley JA
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
Casalino LP
Ramsay PP
Bibi S
Ryan AM
Copeland KR
Alexander JA
. 2015.
Managing chronic illness: physician practices increased the use of care management and medical home processes.
Health Aff (Millwood). 34(1):78-86.
Wiley JA
Rittenhouse DR
Shortell SM
Casalino LP
Ramsay PP
Bibi S
Ryan AM
Copeland KR
Alexander JA
. 2015.
Managing chronic illness: physician practices increased the use of care management and medical home processes.
Health Aff (Millwood). 34(1):78-86.
Vest JR
Kern LM
Jung H-Y
Ancker JS
Richardson JE
Silver MD
Kaushal R
. 2015.
Patient-centered medical homes: observable types derived from national recognition assessment scores.
J Ambul Care Manage. 38(2):144-52.
Casalino LP
Pesko MF
Ryan AM
Nyweide DJ
Iwashyna TJ
Sun X
Mendelsohn J
Moody J
. 2015.
Physician Networks and Ambulatory Care-sensitive Admissions.
Med Care. 53(6):534-41.
Bao Y
Eggman AA
Richardson JE
Sheeran TF
Bruce ML
. 2015.
Practices of Depression Care in Home Health Care: Home Health Clinician Perspectives.
Psychiatr Serv. 66(12):1365-8.
DesRoches CM
Barrett KA
Harvey BE
Kogan R
Reschovsky JD
Landon BE
Casalino LP
Shortell SM
Rich EC
. 2015.
The Results Are Only as Good as the Sample: Assessing Three National Physician Sampling Frames.
J Gen Intern Med. 30 Suppl 3:S595-601.
DesRoches CM
Barrett KA
Harvey BE
Kogan R
Reschovsky JD
Landon BE
Casalino LP
Shortell SM
Rich EC
. 2015.
The Results Are Only as Good as the Sample: Assessing Three National Physician Sampling Frames.
J Gen Intern Med. 30 Suppl 3:S595-601.
Ryan AM
Shortell SM
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
. 2015.
Salary and Quality Compensation for Physician Practices Participating in Accountable Care Organizations.
Ann Fam Med. 13(4):321-4.
Ryan AM
Shortell SM
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
. 2015.
Salary and Quality Compensation for Physician Practices Participating in Accountable Care Organizations.
Ann Fam Med. 13(4):321-4.
Bishop TF
Ramsay PP
Casalino LP
Bao Y
Pincus HA
Shortell SM
. 2016.
Care Management Processes Used Less Often For Depression Than For Other Chronic Conditions In US Primary Care Practices.
Health Aff (Millwood). 35(3):394-400.
Woo JHoon
Grinspan Z
Shapiro J
Rhee SYoul
. 2016.
Frequent Users of Hospital Emergency Departments in Korea Characterized by Claims Data from the National Health Insurance: A Cross Sectional Study.
PLoS One. 11(1):e0147450.
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