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Goyal P, Bryan J, Kneifati-Hayek J, Sterling MR, Banerjee S, Maurer MS, Lachs MS, Safford MM.  2019.  Association Between Functional Impairment and Medication Burden in Adults with Heart Failure.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 67(2):284-291.
Green C, Jung H-Y, Wu X, Abramson E, Walkup JT, Ford JS, Grinspan ZM.  2019.  Do Children with Special Health Care Needs with Anxiety have Unmet Health Care Needs? An Analysis of a National Survey. Matern Child Health J. 23(9):1220-1231.
Greenlee H, Shi Z, Hibshoosh H, Giri DD, Ahmed A, Williams S, Falcone DJ, Winston LA, Zhou XK, Hudis CA et al..  2019.  Obesity-associated Breast Inflammation among Hispanic/Latina Breast Cancer Patients.. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 12(1):21-30.
Grinspan ZM, Mytinger JR, Baumer FM, Ciliberto MA, Cohen BH, Dlugos DJ, Harini C, Hussain SA, Joshi SM, Keator CG et al..  2020.  Crisis Standard of Care: Management of Infantile Spasms during COVID-19.. Ann Neurol.
Grinspan ZM, Mytinger JR, Baumer FM, Ciliberto MA, Cohen BH, Dlugos DJ, Harini C, Hussain SA, Joshi SM, Keator CG et al..  2020.  Management of Infantile Spasms During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. J Child Neurol. :883073820933739.
Grinspan ZM, Shapiro JS, Abramson EL, Hooker G, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2015.  Predicting frequent ED use by people with epilepsy with health information exchange data.. Neurology. 85(12):1031-8.
Grinspan ZM, Shapiro JS, Abramson EL, Jung H-Y, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2015.  Hospital crossover increases utilization for people with epilepsy: a retrospective cohort study.. Epilepsia. 56(1):147-57.
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Grinspan ZM, Bao Y, Edwards A, Johnson P, Kaushal R, Kern LM.  2017.  Medicaid Stage 1 Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Payments Are Associated With Higher Quality but Not Improvements in Quality.. Am J Med Qual. 32(5):485-493.
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Gross MD, Alshak MN, Shoag JE, Laviana AA, Gorin MA, Sedrakyan A, Hu JC.  2019.  Healthcare Costs of Post-Prostate Biopsy Sepsis.. Urology.
Grossman LV, Creber RMMasterso, Benda NC, Wright D, Vawdrey DK, Ancker JS.  2019.  Interventions to increase patient portal use in vulnerable populations: a systematic review.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 26(8-9):855-870.
Grossman A, Mauer E, Gerber LM, Long MD, Kappelman MD, Gupta N.  2020.  Blacks/African Americans with Pediatric Crohn's Disease Report Less Anxiety and Fatigue than Whites.. J Pediatr.
Grossman LV, Creber RMMasterso, Ancker JS, Ryan B, Polubriaginof F, Qian M, Alarcon I, Restaino S, Bakken S, Hripcsak G et al..  2019.  Technology Access, Technical Assistance, and Disparities in Inpatient Portal Use.. Appl Clin Inform. 10(1):40-50.
Gunter KE, Nocon RS, Gao Y, Casalino LP, Chin MH.  2017.  Medical Home Characteristics and Quality of Diabetes Care in Safety Net Clinics.. J Community Health. 42(2):303-311.
Guo Y, Bian J, Wang F.  2022.  Editorial: Measuring and Analysing Social Determinants of Health in the Era of Big Data.. Front Public Health. 10:902942.
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Guo Y, Bian J, Chen A, Wang F, Posgai AL, Schatz DA, Shenkman EA, Atkinson MA.  2022.  Incidence Trends of New-Onset Diabetes in Children and Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From Florida.. Diabetes. 71(12):2702-2706.
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